Enron Mail

To:mcconnell.sarah@enron.com, mcconnell.mike@enron.com, thompson.tom@enron.com,lab.the@enron.com, luebke.phyllis@enron.com, fisher.paul@enron.com, quinlan.mary@enron.com, mark.mcconnell@enron.com, forrester.larry@enron.com, rank.karol@enron.com, ansley
Subject:Fw: FW: Subject: You Choose]
Date:Thu, 18 Oct 2001 20:40:21 -0700 (PDT)

In case this is new to you - I thought you ought to see it.
Jim McConnell
----- Original Message -----
From: "Walt Blore" <wblore@pacbell.net<
To: "Jim & Judy Mconnell" <jjmcconnell@cox-internet.com<; "Mike Blore"
<4blores@home.com<; "Steve Blore" <sblore@dttus.com<
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 11:01 AM
Subject: [Fwd: FW: Subject: You Choose]

< I don't know if you've received one of these or not. If you have, trash
< it. If not, it makes for good reading and thought.
< Walt

--------- Inline attachment follows ---------

From: <theheers@pacbell.net<
To: B. O. B. (E-mail) <jimbobmcnab@compuserve.com<, Julie and Randy Chandle=
r (E-mail) <rbanyantree@yahoo.com<, Jill Heers (E-mail) <julia@heers.com<, =
Mom & Dad (E-mail 2) <rmheers@xmission.com<
CC: Mom & Dad (E-mail 2) <rmheers@xmission.com<, Al Tichenor (E-mail) <tich=
4@juno.com<, Albert L Vermette Jr. (E-mail) <albyvj@juno.com<, Bill Gore (E=
-mail) <BGORE8965@AOL.COM<, Bill Neville (E-mail) <rb2blue@msn.com<, Bo & S=
heila Boehringer (E-mail) <rbrnger@aol.com<, Chilly (E-mail) <CHILLY4@aol.c=
om<, Danny Cerna (E-mail) <F16B747@compuserve.com<, Dave Cobb (E-mail) <fat=
motoczq@attitude.com<, Dick Heers (E-mail) <inga1@psnw.com<, Doug Munday (E=
-mail 2) <dougmunday@sierra.psnw.com<, Jan Pedersen (E-mail) <a_different_o=
ne@email.msn.com<, Joe-Beverly Leadingham (E-mail) <bhaming@peoplepc.com<, =
John Chavez (E-mail 3) <2johnchavez@home.com<, Lynne Budd (E-mail) <lynne.b=
udd@usa.net<, Mike Budd (E-mail) (E-mail) <mbudd@firstunion1.com<, Mike Fin=
ch (E-mail) <jmichael@foco.com<, Mike McCoy (E-mail) <105300.1661@compuserv=
e.com<, Pat & Julie Belanger (E-mail 2) <The111th@aol.com<, Paul Carroll (E=
-mail) <pandccarroll@earthlink.net<, Paul Nibur (E-mail 2) <pnibur@earthlin=
k.net<, Ray Bluhm (E-mail) <104524.1423@compuserve.com<, Scotty Keller (E-m=
ail) <athanasiusatw@prodigy.net<, Stephanie (E-mail) <SHSoccer03@excite.com=
<, Tony Niemala (E-mail) <cniemela@mediaone.com<, Walt Blore (E-mail) <wblo=
re@pacbell.net<, Willie Benton (E-mail) <benton@pgh.net<, Zack Chandler (E-=
mail) <chandlez@lycos.com<
Date: Thursday, October 18, 2001 5:18:26 GMT

-----Original Message-----
From: Mulcahy, Robert, LTC, 194FS/CC, 5323
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 11:42 AM
Subject: FW: Subject: You Choose

< < An Ohio school disciplines a student for displaying patriotic posters o=
< < his
< < locker. He is given a 10 day suspension. An Ohio judge disagreed and
< < ordered the student returned to class. The school was afraid that the
< < posters would offend students with Middle Eastern ancestry.
< < Broken Arrow, Oklahoma School officials remove "God
< < Bless America" signs from schools in fear that someone might be
< <
< < Channel 12 News in Long Island, New York, orders flags removed from the
< < newsroom and red, white, and blue ribbons removed from the lapels of
< < reporters. Why? Management did not want to appear biased and felt that
< < nations flag might give the appearance that "they lean one way or
< < another".
< <
< < Berkeley, California bans U.S. Flags from being displayed on city fire
< < trucks
< < because they didn't want to offend anyone in the community.
< <
< < In an "act of tolerance" the head of the public library at Florida Gulf
< < Coast
< < University ordered all "Proud to be an American" signs removed so as to
< < not
< < offend international students.
< <
< < I, for one, am quite disturbed by these actions of so-called American
< < citizens; and I am tired of this nation worrying about whether or not w=
< < are
< < offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks
< < September 11, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority
< < Americans. However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled in New
< < York
< < and Washington D.C. when the "politically correct" crowd began
< < about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others.
< <
< < I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who
< < seeking a better life by coming to America. In fact, our country's
< < population
< < is almost entirely comprised of descendants of immigrants; however,
< < are
< < a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and
< < apparently
< < some native Americans, need to understand.
< <
< < First of all, it is not our responsibility to continually try not to
< < offend
< < you in any way. This idea of America being a multi-cultural community
< < served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As
< < Americans, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language,
< < our own lifestyle. This culture, called the "American Way" has been
< < developed
< < over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men
< < women who have sought freedom. Our forefathers fought, bled, and died a=
< < places such as Bunker Hill, Antietam, San Juan, Iwo Jima, Normandy,
< < Vietnam,
< <
< < We speak English, not Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or
< < other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society -
< < learn
< < our language!
< <
< < "In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some off-the-wall,
< < Christian, Right Wing, political slogan - it is our national motto. It
< < engraved in stone in the House of Representatives in our Capitol and it
< < printed on our currency. We adopted this motto because Christian men an=
< < women, on Christian principles, founded this nation; and this is clearl=
< < documented throughout our history. If it is appropriate for our motto t=
< < be
< < inscribed in the halls of our highest level of Government, then it is
< < certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools.
< <
< < God is in our pledge, our National Anthem, nearly every patriotic song,
< < and
< < in our founding documents. We honor His birth, death, and resurrection
< < holidays, and we turn to Him in prayer in times of crisis. If God
< < you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new
< < home,
< < because God is part of our culture and we are proud to have Him.
< <
< < We are proud of our heritage and those who have so honorably defended
< < freedoms. We celebrate Independence Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, an=
< < Flag
< < Day. We have parades, picnics, and barbecues where we proudly wave our
< < flag.
< < As an American, I have the right to wave my flag, sing my national
< < quote my national motto, and cite my pledge whenever and wherever I
< < choose.
< < If the Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then
< < should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.
< <
< < The American culture is our way of life, our heritage, and we are proud
< < it. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we
< < really
< < don't care how you did things where you came from. We are Americans,
< < it
< < or not, this is our country, our land, and our lifestyle.
< <
< < Our First Amendment gives every citizen the right to express his opinio=
< < about our government, culture, or society, and we will allow you every
< < opportunity to do so. But once you are done complaining, whining, and
< < griping
< < about our flag, our pledge, our national motto, or our way of life, I
< < highly
< < encourage you take advantage of one other great American freedom, the
< < right
< < to leave.
< <
< < If you agree, pass this on to other Americans!
< < It is time to take a stand!