Enron Mail

To:karen.owens@enron.com, thomas.white@enron.com, marty.sunde@enron.com,dan.leff@enron.com, kevin.hughes@enron.com, harold.buchanan@enron.com, jeremy.blachman@enron.com, vicki.sharp@enron.com, elizabeth.tilney@enron.com, peggy.mahoney@enron.com, joseph
Subject:energy.enron.com pilot launch update
Date:Wed, 12 Jul 2000 11:38:00 -0700 (PDT)

The first phase of the energy.enron.com pilot program was launched earlier
this week. Through this site we will initially offer a one- and two-year
fixed-price gas product to small and medium-sized businesses behind four
utilities in Ohio and Illinois. We are contacting these customers using a
direct mail piece (attached below) that was released Monday. Customers
accessing the site can receive real-time quotes for our retail gas products
and a contract.

The objectives of the pilot are two-fold. First, to learn what small and
medium-sized businesses like and dislike about purchasing energy products
through the web. Second, to understand the technical and business process
challenges we will face in offering these products on a larger scale through
the web. We wanted to achieve both these objectives in a low profile
manner. Thus we used a limited customer pilot. Our basic philosophy is to
quickly try, learn and improve, and then scale up.

The team of EES and IBM employees who worked on this initiative did a
fantastic job despite some setbacks. We delayed the launch of the site about
8 weeks for two principal reasons. First, we concluded that we needed to add
a price comparison feature to the site. This proved more difficult than
expected and still requires improvement. Second, we experienced technical
problems with the stability of the underlying database application that
required a fair amount of time to resolve.

Going forward, we have two paths occurring in parallel. First, the design
and technical performance of the existing site will be continuously improved
over the next weeks and months. We will add the capability to sell power
products in a limited number of states in the next 8 weeks or so. A process
is in place to learn and document as much as possible throughout this
on-going pilot period.

In parallel, we have engaged McKinsey & Co. to help with a 4-6 week
mid-market strategy development effort that will help define the specific
products, target customers, and sales channels necessary to pursue the
mid-market in an aggressive way. Out of this effort will also come some
high-level requirements for a technology and business process platform that
is scaleable and flexible enough to support a large number of transactions
and a broad array of products. We envision offering a wider array of power
and gas products in more markets nationally, as well as other non-energy
products, such as facility services, capital, and insurance. This second
generation platform will take advantage of the learning that occurs
throughout the pilot period and will integrate with our mid-office billing
and customer service systems. We will also try to leverage as much as
possible from the success of EnronOnline.

A complete post-development assessment is underway and will be completed
within about two weeks. Based on our learning during the first phase of the
pilot, we will implement specific processes to reduce development cycle time
and improve customer response to our offerings.

Finally, I'd like to recognize the hard work of the team members that
contributed to the development version 1.0 of the site. Thank you all.


- Suzanne Farrow - Stephen Dodd - Teresa Carroll Childers
- Marianne Castano - Regina Newsome - Angie Dixon
- Jennifer Hillegonds - Trisha Vo
- Mike Garred - Marc Lerro
- Becky Merola - Vince Lopez
- Sue Landwehr
- Roy Boston
- Elizabeth Linnell
- Chris McCaig
- Priya Jaisinghani
- Malcolm Adkins
- Jeff Stephens
- Tracy Adams
- Diann Huddleson

I will continue to provide updates as we progress. If you have any questions
please call me at 3-6091.

Mike Harris