Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Megan Heckerman's Letter on Juvenile Diabetes
Date:Mon, 24 Jul 2000 00:28:00 -0700 (PDT)

Mike - Her mother is Bambi Heckerman, a long time Enron employee from the=
Omaha area. Bambi is currently second in command in Northern Border's Rate=
Dept. She also has a daughter with spina bifida so she has had to be a very=
strong person.


Mike McConnell@ECT
07/23/2000 08:34 AM
To: Bill Cordes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: =20

Subject: Re: Megan Heckerman's Letter on Juvenile Diabetes =20


Thanks for sharing this letter. I am always moved when I read things like=
this and unfortunately I see a lot of them. Who is her mom, someone that=20
works for us in Omaha? Would you please let me know via email.

Thanks for supporting her in her cause and efforts.


=09Enron North America Corp.
=09From: Bill Cordes @ ENRON 07/20/2000 10:58 AM

To: Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: =20
Subject: Megan Heckerman's Letter on Juvenile Diabetes

Mike I thought you might be interested in seeing this letter. I bet we will=
have the biggest turnout ever from Enron in Omaha.

---------------------- Forwarded by Bill Cordes/ET&S/Enron on 07/20/2000=20
10:52 AM ---------------------------
=09From: Martha Sumner-Kenney 07/20/2000 09:24 A=

To: NPNG Omaha Office, NPNG Field, ET&S Omaha EDS, ET&S Omaha Office
cc: =20

Subject: Megan Heckerman's Letter on Juvenile Diabetes

Megan Heckerman (Bambi's daughter) who was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes=
has agreed to be this year's honorary Enron Team Captain for the Juvenile=
Diabetes Foundation walk (see Megan's letter below). She is anxious for th=
walk to be successful and has asked if she could help kick-off the campaign=
by selling "Casual Shorts Week" buttons and signing up walkers and pledges.=
Please stop Megan's table in the lobby and say "hi" tomorrow (Friday, July=
21) from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Casual Shorts Week buttons cost $5 and will allow the purchaser to wear=20
shorts the entire week prior to the walk (August 7-11) - won't that be nice=
considering how HOT August usually is!

My name is Megan Heckerman. I am 11 years old. On August 3, 1999, I was=20
diagnosed with Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. For several weeks before that day=
I slowly became sicker every day and finally got really scared because I di=
t know what was wrong with me and my Mom was scared too. I was thirsty, we=
to the bathroom a lot, started not feeling well and then finally I lost a t=
of weight real fast. When I went to the Doctor my blood sugar was nearly fi=
times normal.=20

Since August 3rd, my life has changed a lot. I was told when to eat, what =
eat, what NOT to eat and how much to eat. Which is pretty tough to do=20
especially at Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines Day and Easter=
. =20
Mom paid me for my Halloween candy and took it to work, so that was a good=
deal. I was told that my genes contained a code for killing the insulin=20
making cells in my pancreas and that all that code needed was probably a=20
virus that I had had last spring to turn it on. My insulin making cells are=
gone forever but they tell me that someday they hope there will be a cure.=

Since I was diagnosed, every day I test my blood at least four times for=20
sugar and take insulin shots three times a day. I have given myself nearly=
1,000 shots and have poked my fingertips for blood nearly 1,400 times and i=
hasn=01,t been even a year! I would love to be normal again and there are =
a lot=20
of other people that have diabetes that I=01,m sure you know feel the same =
way. =20

So, I am writing to tell you about a project I am working on this year call=
=01&Walk to Cure Diabetes=018. The Walk for Diabetes helps to raise money t=
o find a=20
cure for juvenile diabetes. On August 12, 2000 in Elmwood Park, I will be=
walking with my team from Enron called Megan's Marchers. I hope that you=
will join my team or sponsor someone on the team. I am hoping we can raise=
over $3,000.00 and have at least 20 walkers participate. Please consider=20
signing up to walk, or if you can=01,t then please sponsor the Enron team.=

Thank you,

Megan Heckerman=20