Enron Mail

Subject:Investment Allocation
Date:Thu, 5 Jul 2001 19:03:00 -0700 (PDT)

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[IMAGE] =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09
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[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE]=09 Sarah - Wow! It's a good =
thing we evaluated the diversification of your overall investment portfol=
io. Withdrawing funds last fall really threw your portfolio out of proper =
allocation. You currently have a large portion of your portfolio in one as=
set class...U.S. large cap stocks. No harm done in the short term, the lon=
g term could be a different story, however. We would like to see you mo=
ve your Coopers account to TD Waterhouse. Is that possible? As you know th=
e selection of funds is much broader, and we could do a much better job of=
allocating your funds. We're having a hard time making the portfolio "wor=
k" with the limit selection Coopers has available. It would make sense to =
move Mark's Duke account to TDW, as well. Let me know what you and Mark =
think of the idea. James R. Waters, CFP PARTNERSINWEALTH 3400 Bissonn=
et? Suite 145 Houston, TX 77005-2153 713.964.4028 phone 713.963.2977 fax =
jrw@partnersinwealth.com www.partnersinwealth.com =09