Enron Mail

Date:Tue, 9 Oct 2001 15:12:29 -0700 (PDT)

Please note my email address is changang@swbell.net, not changing.



-----Original Message-----
From: LeslieWmAdams@aol.com [mailto:LeslieWmAdams@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 10:42 AM
To: Deborah_Adams@oxy.com; LeslieWmAdams@aol.com; sarah2u@swbell.net;
sarahbalinskas@yahoo.com; bowie1@ev1.net; paige_beach@mhhs.org;
tbeasley1@houston.rr.com; gbonner@csi.com; carlisle@hal-pc.org;
changang@swbell.net; TEXLAW@aol.com; hlcbomb@hotmail.com;
crossonhouston@sprintmail.com; edouglas1@houstonisd.org;
vdriscoll@houston.rr.com; Brucef67@aol.com; fester@idt.net;
rogerfowler@houston.rr.com; frazier@neosoft.com;
stephanie_goettle@mckinsey.com; rwgray2000@pdq.net; bgreer@mailbanc.com;
Bharmes@aol.com; linda@hibit.com; Belindah@swbell.net;
mhast@mdanderson.org; benjamin_hertzog@mckinsey.com; mrhiers@yahoo.com;
rob.hobbs@worldnet.att.net; aggiej99@hotmail.com;
elbert.s.johnson@accenture.com; dgjones@equiva.com; kenjon@webtv.net;
donna@architectworks.com; jeffklemm@hotmail.com; skubik@houston.rr.com;
robert.lashinger@reliant.com; ecledbetter@hotmail.com;
tembostudio@hotmail.com; Amloden@aol.com; JRLOPER@prodigy.net;
RMahlst488@aol.com; mmahlstedt@consolidatedgraphics.com; alethia@wt.net;
mark.mcconnell@enron.com; ameyers@totalsem.com;
michaelmullens@yahoo.com; Patrickmullens@aol.com; pnoble@bcm.tmc.edu;
danielp@nwebs.com; cprzygocki@aol.com; SRachford@houston.rr.com;
jrech@pdq.net; treiter@houston.rr.com; kenna.roberson@telecheck.com;
alan.rodecker@stoner.com; pam.rowe@chase.com; csott@rice.edu;
vshofner@ianaman.com; christopher_j_sunderman@raytheon.com;
Subject: HABITAT

St. Paul's United Methodist Church
Habitat for Humanity Project

Welcome Habitat Volunteers!

Our project starts on October 20, at 8 am. Due to the overwhelming
response from our church community, it will be necessary to schedule
volunteers for particular Saturdays from October 20 through November 17.
We want to give as many people as possible the opportunity to
participate without overcrowding the building site. If I have scheduled
you for a date you are unavailable, please let me know; there are plenty
of people to step in! The schedule for October 20 is attached. Others
will follow shortly.

Please plan on providing your own lunch on October 20. We will provide
drinks, but you should bring water for yourself.

I have ordered tee shirts. If you want one, please advise me of your
size, small through extra large, in writing or e-mail. The price is
$8.00, which will just cover our cost. The shirts are gray with the
Habitat bent nail logo on the back and the St. Paul's logo on the front.
I will have them at the site.

We will have hard hats at the site. If you are scheduled to work and
have indicated that you have power tools, please confirm to me that you
will be able to bring those tools on your scheduled days.

Noel Chang has volunteered to be the transportation coordinator. He
will provide or arrange transportation on a church van or bus on each of
the Saturdays. I have given him your name if you identified yourself to
me. You can contact him at "changing@swbell.net" or 281-461-4709.

We need volunteers for several other key positions. If you are
qualified to be a first aid/safety manager, or would like to organize
food/water/beverage, daily registration, clean up or tool management,
please let me know.

For additional information, contact me at: 713-748-3317; fax
713-741-6233; or email: lesliewmadams@aol.com.

Peace and grace,
