Enron Mail

Subject:Re: 2- SURVEY/INFORMATION EMAIL - 7/26/01
Cc:al.nahas@enron.com, alli.parent@enron.com, alok.garg@enron.com,barry.lavalla@enron.com, bill.curra@enron.com, brett.schulick@enron.com, brian.kinsey@enron.com, brian.wood@enron.com, charles.harris@enron.com, donnie.willmann@enron.com, ed.smida@enron
Bcc:al.nahas@enron.com, alli.parent@enron.com, alok.garg@enron.com,barry.lavalla@enron.com, bill.curra@enron.com, brett.schulick@enron.com, brian.kinsey@enron.com, brian.wood@enron.com, charles.harris@enron.com, donnie.willmann@enron.com, ed.smida@enron
Date:Tue, 24 Jul 2001 13:42:00 -0700 (PDT)

=09Outlook Migration Team@ENRON 07/24/01 09:19 AM =09 To: Kerry Stroup/NA=
/Enron@Enron, Evan Fort/NA/Enron@Enron, Karen Easley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bill Curr=
a/NA/Enron@ENRON, Kramer Vakil/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kayla Crenshaw/Enron Commu=
nications@Enron Communications, Kevin Moss/Enron Communications@Enron Commu=
nications, Al Nahas/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Robert Delp/=
Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Edward Hlopak Jr/Enron Communica=
tions@Enron Communications, Barry LaValla/Enron Communications@Enron Commun=
ications, Alli Parent/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Alok Garg/=
Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Brett Schulick/Enron Communicati=
ons@Enron Communications, Brian Kinsey/Enron Communications@Enron Communica=
tions, Brian Wood/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Charles Harris=
/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Ed Smida/Enron Communications@E=
nron Communications, Frank Vela/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, =
Jennifer McClain/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Katherine Harpe=
r/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Marc Hensel/Enron Communicatio=
ns@Enron Communications, Mark McConnell/Enron Communications@Enron Communic=
ations, Martin Sacchi/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Melanie Ki=
ng/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Micha Makowsky/Enron Communic=
ations@Enron Communications, Michael Harris/Enron Communications@Enron Comm=
unications, Rebecca Watkins/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Rock=
ey Storie/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Samuel Pak/Enron Commu=
nications@Enron Communications, Sheila Kahanek/Enron Communications@Enron C=
ommunications, Shelly Friesenhahn/Enron Communications@Enron Communications=
, Zachary McCarroll/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Marianne Z S=
alinas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve Pearlman/Enron Communications@Enron Communication=
s, Isaac Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pamela Chism/NA/Enron@ENRON, Donnie Willmann/EN=
PMENt, Rick Fehl/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Jose Aparicio/E=

Current Notes User:=20

To ensure that you experience a successful migration from Notes to Outlook,=
it is necessary to gather individual user information prior to your date o=
f migration. Please take a few minutes to completely fill out the followin=
g survey. Double Click on document to put it in "Edit" mode. When you finis=
h click "Close" select "Save Changes Only" click "O.K" then re-open the e-m=
ail and click on the 'Reply With History' button then hit 'Send' Your surv=
ey will automatically be sent to the Outlook 2000 Migration Mailbox.

Thank you.

Outlook 2000 Migration Team


Full Name: Kayla Crenshaw=09

Login ID: kayla_crenshaw

Extension: X37347

Office Location: EB4326B

What type of computer do you have? (Desktop, Laptop, Both) laptop=09=09=

Do you have a PDA? If yes, what type do you have: (None, IPAQ, Palm Pilo=
t, Jornada) Palm=09

Do you have permission to access anyone's Email/Calendar? =20
If yes, who? no

Does anyone have permission to access your Email/Calendar? =20
If yes, who? no

Are you responsible for updating anyone else's address book? =20
If yes, who? No

Is anyone else responsible for updating your address book? =20
If yes, who? no

Do you have access to a shared calendar? =20
If yes, which shared calendar? no

Do you have any Distribution Groups that Messaging maintains for you (for m=
ass mailings)? =20
If yes, please list here: No

Please list all Notes databases applications that you currently use: Power=
Point, Excel, Lotus Notes e:mail, calendars, addresses

In our efforts to plan the exact date/time of your migration, we also will =
need to know:

What are your normal work hours? From: 8:00am=09 To:7:00pm =20

Will you be out of the office in the near future for vacation, leave, etc?
If so, when? From (MM/DD/YY): To (MM/DD/YY): =20