Enron Mail

To:paul.y'barbo@enron.com, mark.mcconnell@enron.com
Subject:FW: Add This to your Price Discovery Sites
Date:Tue, 2 Oct 2001 20:57:19 -0700 (PDT)

Mark and Paul, please make sure you are on the distribution list for the ar=
ticles Lorna Brennan sends out. Too many names for me to look through on t=
his one. =20

Any way, FYI, Kim.

-----Original Message-----
From:=09Brennan, Lorna
Sent:=09Tue 10/2/2001 5:23 PM
To:=09Chavez, Gabriel; Dowd, Stephen; Gadd, Eric; Gelin, Elberg; Gonzalez, =
Martin; Hyatt, Kevin; Junus, David; Lee, Jebong; Millar, John; Ratner, Mich=
ael; Barker, Courtney; McGowan, Mike W.; Hass, Glen; Loeffler, Michael; Sta=
nton, Lon; Wilson, Rob; Dushinske, John; Fowler, Bill; Miller, Kent; Neubau=
er, Dave; Neville, Sue; Williams, Jo; Barry, Mike; Berg, Vicki; Bolks, Sean=
; Bollinger, Joni; Bowers, Janet; Branney, Theresa; Buehler, Craig; Burleso=
n, Bob; Cabrera, Reyna; Halpin, Tom; Herber, Stephen; Janousek, Martha; Joh=
anson, Tim; Lagerstrom, Karen; Lantefield, Laura; Mason, Robert; McCarran, =
Penny; Mercaldo, Vernon; Oldenhuis, Frank; Pavlou, Larry; Penkava, Loren; P=
ritchard, John; Riehm, Richard; Roobaert, Preston; Sebesta, Chris; Semin, F=
rank; Stage, Michael G.; Stevens, Bob; Strohmeyer, Vincent; Swett, Larry; T=
homas, Steve; Threet, Kay; Valley, Lisa; Weller, Steve; Wilkinson, Chuck; B=
lair, Lynn; Dietz, Rick; January, Steven; Medeles, Gerry; Nacey, Sheila; Sc=
ott, Donna; Smith, Sarabeth; Cohrs, Allen; Fiscus, John; Gilbert, Steve; Jo=
nes, Dana; Joyce, Jane; Korbelik, Stephanie; Powell, Don; Powers, Ken; Harr=
is, Steven; Donoho, Lindy; Goradia, Pallavi; Lindberg, Lorraine; Lohman, TK=
; Lokay, Michelle; Moore, Jan; Watson, Kimberly
Subject:=09Add This to your Price Discovery Sites

=09Williams Launches uE Web Site For Cross Commodity Pricing=20
=09Tulsa-based Williams on Monday launched uE, a cross-commodity price inde=
x for both spot and future energy prices, as a companion to its web-based E=
nergyNewsLive.com. Similar to the Dow Jones for equity markets, the William=
s uE will offer an equivalent benchmark for the overall price of energy, me=
asuring the price average of eight individual commodities: electricity, nat=
ural gas, unleaded gasoline, heating oil, ethane, propane, residual fuel an=
d jet fuel.=20
=09The site includes information on pricing trends including a national spo=
t uE, forward uE, regional uE, commodity quotes, as well as daily, weekly a=
nd monthly commentary. Included on the site is EnergyPulse, which will feat=
ure Dr. Dennis O'Brien, director of energy and policy at the University of =
Oklahoma. EnergyPulse now airs every Friday on Williams' EnergyNewsLive sit=
e, and offers an analysis of trends in energy pricing and the impact the ec=
onomy has on energy.=20
=09Williams uE was introduced a year ago when EnergyNewsLive debuted, and W=
illiams said it has tested and refined the site for the company's own marke=
t activity. It also has been reviewed by the Energy Information Administrat=
ion, said Williams. To view the site, visit www.williams-ue.com.=20