Enron Mail

Subject:Accelerating SCM transformation through e-Learning - June 6 webcast
Date:Thu, 7 Jun 2001 14:27:00 -0700 (PDT)

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Dear i2 customers and partners,

If you wanted to attend our webcast but couldn't login at the proposed time
on June 6, you have now the ability to watch it in a replay mode.

To do so, just go to: http://www.iian.ibeam.com/events/i2tech/e060701/ ,
fill the registration form, submit it and click on the "Login" llink
located on the upper left corner of the screen, and you are ready to go (if
any problem occurs, please let me know).

As a reminder, the agenda of this webcast is attached below.

We had 425 registered attendees, and the overall feedback has been very
positive. We trust that you will share the same view after watching the

Finally, I remind you that i2 is offering significant discounts for any
license of the e-learning "Intelligent SCM" course acquired before June 30,
so if you see value in this change management tool, now is the time to
further increase its ROI!

Best regards.

Marc Escande
Director, e-learning
i2 technologies
Phone: + 33 607 49 34 31

PS For your information, here is the link to a press release published
yesterday, which describes the value that On Semiconductor (formerly
Motorola Semi) has obtained by deploying the "Intelligent SCM" course to
support their worldwide master planning and demand fulfillment optimization
program. It is a perfect illustration of the themes discussed during the



i2 webcast on

"Accelerating SCM Transformation through E-Learning."


Sanjiv Sidhu, i2's Chairman

-< The challenges to value creation and how to overcome them through

JB Hoyt, Director at Whirlpool

-< Use of the i2 e-learning "Intelligent SCM" course to overcome people
and process transformation challenges in a global SCM optimization

Marc Escande, i2's Director of E-Learning

-< E-Learning as a change management tool in SCM transformation
projects: lessons learned

Hiten Varia, i2's Chief Delivery Officer

-< Closing remarks

Q&A session

Total time: 35 minutes