Enron Mail

To:'proffitt@enron.com, robert_proffitt@kindermorgan.com
Subject:RE: Transpecos
Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 14:28:41 -0700 (PDT)


We'll take a look at this too and get back with you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Proffitt, Robert [mailto:Robert_Proffitt@kindermorgan.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 2:03 PM
To: Matney, David; McConnell, Mark
Cc: Watson, Kimberly
Subject: Transpecos

Using the numbers we have today and the Pemex volume of 240/day @
$0.25 as we have noted does not get KM to where we would want to be. I
layered on an additional 5 year commitment on the 240/day to cover some of
the gap but we were still short of targets. I then modified the debt term
to 20 years which should be acceptable as the project would be supported for
that length by the extended term and that covers an additional portion of
the gap.

However, we are still short of our target and my calculations
indicate a need to have 22/day @ $0.25 starting in year 3 and lasting
through year 20 to make up the difference. In the alternative, a rate of
$0.267 with the 20 year term and 20 year debt note also gets us there. All
in all, neither one is that big of a hill to climb so we know what we are
looking at.

Could you review from TW's perspective and see if you come up with
numbers in the same ball park?

Robert Proffitt
Business Development
Natural Gas Pipeline Co
Phone: 713-369-8856
Fax: 713-369-9365