Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Well hook up request
Date:Tue, 13 Nov 2001 12:40:28 -0800 (PST)

Thanks Eric, I'll call the guy. If I need any more information, I'll let you know. Thanks also for doing this so quickly.


-----Original Message-----
From: Faucheaux, Eric
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 2:22 PM
To: McConnell, Mark
Cc: Schoolcraft, Darrell; Alters, Dennis; Gottsponer, Morgan; Frazier, Perry; LeBeau, Randy
Subject: RE: Well hook up request

Pipeline: The proposed location would connect to TW's Leedy Lateral, this gas goes to Ivanhoe Dehy. then routes to Bushton processing. All of our lines are mainlines; however, it is fair to say that the Leedy Lateral gas quality can be compared to that of gathering gas quality (dehydration is required). The capacity at the Ivanhoe dehy needs to be checked to see if additional capacity would be available for the quantity that you have in mind.

Pressure: MAOP of Leedy Lateral varies from 1125 to 1200 psi. Operating pressures in the past year have been between 650 and 950 psig.

Cost: Approximate 4 on 16 hot tap costs would be between $60-75K. We can price measuring/regulating facilities when expected volume is provided to Planning.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alters, Dennis
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 8:07 AM
To: Frazier, Perry; Faucheaux, Eric
Cc: McConnell, Mark; Gottsponer, Morgan
Subject: FW: Well hook up request

Eric, Perry, Can one of you take this one and respond to Mark. Mark needs the answer back by tommorrow. Thanks Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: McConnell, Mark
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 4:18 PM
To: Alters, Dennis
Subject: Well hook up request

Please have someone look at the following, including my request at the bottom.


Contact Information

Bracken Operating
Bill Turner 405-842-7549

Well Location

Well - Mary Jane 1-25
Roger Mills Co., OK
S25 16N 24W


What would it cost?
Is it a Mainline or Gathering line that runs right by this well?
What is the TW line pressure?

Can I get an answer to the last 2 questions pretty quickly (by Wednesday Afternoon)? The cost can come later.



Mark McConnell
Transwestern Pipeline Company
713-345-7896 office
713-822-4862 cell
713-646-2551 fax