Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 19 Oct 2001 08:44:57 -0700 (PDT)

[IMAGE]=09Fantasy Football Newsletter=09
October 19, 2001 =09=09

[IMAGE]Fantasy Sports [IMAGE]Fantasy Football [IMAGE]CBS Sport=
sLine.com =09

Welcome to another edition of the 2001 Fantasy Football Newsletter! =
The Fantasy Football newsletter will arrive in your e-mail inbox at the end=
of every week. We'll include news about the web site; tips on using all th=
e features available; and answers to your player-related questions from the=
"Gridiron Guru." =09[IMAGE]=09Inside ? Fantasy Football Matchups =
? Customize Reports to Display the Info You Want ? Gridiron Guru ? Tip =
of the Week =09


Fantasy Football Matchups Every Friday our Fantasy experts break do=
wn the key Fantasy matchup of the week. It may be a top running back facing=
a sturdy run defender; a deep-threat wideout matched up with a premier co=
ver-corner; or a gunslinging QB against a defense with ball-hawking safetie=
s. We'll tell you who has the edge. We'll also highlight the key matchups i=
n every NFL game to help you decide who to start and who to bench. Check o=
ur Fantasy News area (click News, Fantasy News on the toolbar) Fridays fo=
r Fantasy Football Matchups. =09

Customize Reports to Display the Info You Want Did you know you can=
customize the settings of most reports on the site, and save those settin=
gs so they are displayed each time you visit the report? For example, supp=
ose you'd like the Transactions, View report to display only Add/Drops ov=
er the past 7 days for all teams. Enter those settings, click GO and then =
click the Save icon displayed over the report. Now each time you click Tra=
nsactions, View on the toolbar, the report is displayed according to your c=
ustom settings. After you click Save you can click the E-Rept icon to have=
your new custom report e-mailed to you on the days you choose. =09

Gridiron Guru Welcome to Gridiron Guru, where we'll answer your que=
stions about players and offer Fantasy Football roster advice. We invite yo=
u to send your own scouting reports and comments on players to: gridguru@co=
mmissioner.com . You'll get the chance to be heard by thousands of Fantasy =
players just like yourself! =09

Question - Matt Biggins, Los Angeles, CA Which two receivers should I=
start this weekend, out of Todd Pinkston, Bill Schroeder, Chris Carter, Te=
rry Glenn and James McKnight? Who would you recommend starting out of Duce =
Staley, Stephen Davis, Ron Dayne, Kevan Barlow and Jason Brookins? Answe=
r - GG As long as Schroeder (ankle) is healthy, he's a must- start agai=
nst a Minnesota defense that allowed Charlie Batch to throw for 345 yards a=
nd three touchdowns last weekend. Miami has a bye, so McKnight is obviously=
not an option. Pinkston and Glenn both have good matchups, but we'd have t=
o go with Carter in this case. This season has been very unpredictable, so =
going with your most established player in this case is the best move. To a=
nswer your second question, we'd recommend Davis against a vulnerable Carol=
ina defense and Dayne against Philadelphia. It's tough to choose Davis, but=
Barlow has a bye and both Staley and Brookins will be splitting carries at=
best, so our hands are tied. =09

Question - Jeff Smith, Tampa, FL I have Jeff Garcia, who has a bye th=
is week. I have the option of starting Jim Miller or picking up Chris Weink=
e. What do you recommend? Answer - GG Miller has been very inconsist=
ent from a Fantasy perspective, so we'd have to side with Weinke. He'll be =
facing a Washington defense decimated by injuries and vulnerable to players=
like Muhsin Muhammad, Donald Hayes and Wesley Walls. Weinke could have a b=
ig game. =09

Question - Scott Buzby, Newark, DE Who should I start this week: Shan=
non Sharpe or Bubba Franks? Also, is it time to drop James Thrash? Kevin J=
ohnson, Laveranues Coles, Todd Pinkston and Joe Jurevicius are all still av=
ailable. Answer - GG Franks has been Brett Favre's favorite target i=
n the red zone, but Sharpe is one of the best tight ends in the league. Sha=
rpe will always give you good production from the tight end spot, and we hi=
ghly doubt that Franks will be able to continue to score touchdowns at his =
current pace of one per game. As far as Thrash goes, we feel he's just not =
good enough to be facing No.1 cornerbacks on a weekly basis, so his numbers=
will be inconsistent at best. Your best bet is to drop him and go after an=
other No. 1-caliber wideout like Johnson, who could emerge as a reliable Fa=
ntasy player. =09

Tip of the Week Phil Brown, St. Louis, MO: When will people start =
giving Priest Holmes the credit he deserves? He is the best offensive optio=
n the Chiefs have, and he even has more rushing yards than Marshall Faulk a=
fter five weeks. With Dick Vermeil calling the shots in Kansas City, Holmes=
will continue to be a productive player all season. =09

This message has been provided free of charge and free of obligation. If =
you prefer not to receive emails of this nature please send an email to rem=
ove@commissioner.com . Do not respond to this email directly. =09