Enron Mail

Subject:FW: FW: Forward Warning
Date:Thu, 11 Oct 2001 10:43:31 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Ward, Kim S (Houston) =20
Sent:=09Thursday, October 11, 2001 12:04 PM
To:=09Angie Conner (E-mail); Ann Sutton (E-mail); Brad Fagan (E-mail); Cath=
y Pocock (E-mail); Chris Todd (E-mail); Christopher Smith (E-mail); Cindy T=
arsi (E-mail); Dave Breish (E-mail); David Hutchens (E-mail); David Payne (=
E-mail); Elizabeth Jordan (E-mail); Eric Strickland (E-mail); Gayleen Barre=
tt (E-mail); Ginger& Michael Brown (E-mail); Harriet Turk (E-mail); Herman =
Green (E-mail); Slone, Jeanie; Jerry Ward (E-mail); John Schilke (E-mail); =
Kathy Wright (E-mail); Karla Dailey (E-mail); Linda Ward Elam (E-mail); Lis=
a Rosenberg (E-mail); Melissa Reese (E-mail); Matt Mitten (E-mail); Mike & =
Rosalia Nolan (E-mail); Mike Wardell (E-mail); Monica Padilla (E-mail); Nat=
alie & Bret Boehmer (E-mail); Sally McElroy (E-mail); Scott Connelly (E-mai=
l); Shawn McElmoyl (E-mail); Stanton Scott (E-mail); Susie Lejune (E-mail);=
Theresa Cline (E-mail); Tina lovett (E-mail); Wayne Brown (E-mail); Wes Ke=
rsey (E-mail); Yonnie Waller (E-mail); Olinger, Kimberly S.; Brewer, Stacey=
J.; 'wenderachels@aol.com'; Semperger, Cara; Fuller, Dave; Lucci, Paul T.;=
Nemec, Gerald; Vann, Suzanne; Heintzelman, Pete; McDonald, Rob; Vint, Pete=
r; Foster, Chris H.; Mainzer, Elliot; Wente, Laura; Platter, Phillip; 'ssca=
stle@srpnet.com'; Gerard, Camille; 'jana.morse@dynegy.com'; Cross, Edith EE=
S; 'george.denos@neg.pge.com'; 'brad.king@usa.conoco.com'; 'lawrence.pope@h=
aliburton.com'; Arnold, John; 'lisabarnwell1@yahoo.com'; 'kward1@houston.rr=
.com'; Miller, Stephanie; 'tomd1966@yahoo.com'; 'antlulu2@aol.com'; Kennedy=
, Susan L.; 'ilandman@verizon.net'
Subject:=09FW: FW: Forward Warning

I received this email today from a very good friend of mine who has a lot =
of close friends from India. This letter is to one of those close friends.=
I don't know if I should pass it around but I want everyone I know to be =

< <
< <This is worth forwarding, just incase. . .
< <
< <=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=
< <=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=
< <
< <Subject: Malls on 10/31
< <
< <Hey guys..I dont want to scare anyone..but its better safe than sorry,
< <right?? This is not just a foward I recieved..Its from one of my
< <colleages at JPMorgan. It's been sent around within the firm, I wanted
< <to pass it on just in case.
< <Hi All -
< <I think you all know that I don't send out hoaxes and don't
< <do the reactionary thing and send out anything that crosses my
< <path.
< <This one, however, is a friend of a friend and I've given it
< <enough credibility in my mind that I'm writing it up and sending it out
< <to all of you.
< <My friend's friend was dating a guy from Afghanistan up until a month
< <ago. She had a date with him around 9/6 and was stood up. She was
< <understandably upset and went to his home to find it completely emptied.
< <On 9/10, she received a letter from her boyfriend explaining that
< <he
< <wished he could tell her why he had left and that he was sorry it
< <had to be like that. The part worth mentioning is that he BEGGED her
< <not to get on any commercial airlines on 9/11 and to not to go any malls
< <on Halloween.
< <As soon as everything happened on the 11th, she called the FBI and has
< <since turned over the letter. This is not an email that I've received
< <and decided to pass on. This came from a phone conversation with a
< <long-time friend of mine last night.
< <I may be wrong, and I hope I am. However, with one of his warnings
< <being correct and devastating, I'm not willing to take the chance on the
< <second and wanted to make sure that people I cared about had the same
< <information that I did.
< <Laura Katsis
< <Implementation Specialist
< <714/921-5424
< <lkatsis@volt.com <mailto:lkatsis@volt.com<
< <OpsVolt_Track@volt.com <mailto:OpsVolt_Track@volt.com<
< <
< <
< <
< <--------------------------------------------------------------
< <Reminder: E-mail sent through the Internet is not secure.
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< <accept such orders or instructions. This e-mail is not
< <an official trade confirmation for transactions executed
< <for your account. Your e-mail message is not private in
< <that it is subject to review by the Firm, its officers,
< <agents and employees.
< <--------------------------------------------------------------
< <
< <
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