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The New York Times on the Web Thursday, October 25, 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------ For news updated throughout the day, visit www.nytimes.com QUOTE OF THE DAY ========================= "I know a couple of sports fans; regardless of the tragedy, they still don't want the Yankees to win. I said, 'Come on, lighten up.' I think New York needs a lot of loving right now." -AL JOHNSON, a Red Sox fan, on rooting for the Yankees. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/sports/baseball/25FANS.html?todaysheadlines NATIONAL ========================= Anthrax Checks Widen as Officials Admit Error The postmaster general acknowledged that he could not guarantee the safety of the mail, and President Bush warned that the nation was "still under attack." http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/national/25ANTH.html?todaysheadlines ----- As Investigation Churns, More Attacks Are Expected Law enforcement officials said that they believed additional anthrax attacks were a virtual certainty. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/national/25INQU.html?todaysheadlines ----- Police Make Arrests in a Rash of Anthrax Hoaxes People in Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Tennessee were arrested on charges they perpetrated anthrax hoaxes. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/national/25HOAX.html?todaysheadlines ----- MORE NATIONAL NEWS: http://www.nytimes.com/pages/national/index.html?todaysheadline /--------------------- ADVERTISEMENT ---------------------\ A New Way To Enjoy A New York Times Best Seller! 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Your first selection is just $1.95. http://ads.nytimes.com/RealMedia/ads/click_lx.ads/email.nytimes.com/todaysheadlines/text/18188/Position3/th-audible60/audibletext1025.html/?_RM_REDIR_=http://www.audible.com/nyt/special18 \---------------------------------------------------------/ INTERNATIONAL ========================= British Commander Calls Long Ground Raids Likely Britain's top military officer said Wednesday that ground troops may have to operate in Afghanistan for weeks at a time if they are to ferret out Osama bin Laden. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/international/asia/25MILI.html?todaysheadlines ----- Long Before War, Green Berets Built Military Ties to Uzbekistan A program in which Green Berets train troops in Uzbekistan has blossomed into the large-scale American deployment of special forces units and aircraft. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/international/asia/25UZBE.html?todaysheadlines ----- Naming of Hijackers as Saudis May Further Erode Ties to U.S. Fifteen of the 19 men who hijacked four airplanes on Sept. 11 were from Saudi Arabia, federal authorities said, a disclosure likely to complicate diplomatic relations. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/international/middleeast/25SAUD.html?todaysheadlines ----- MORE INTERNATIONAL NEWS: http://www.nytimes.com/pages/world/index.html?todaysheadline BUSINESS ========================= Bush Advisers Press for Help for Insurance Industry The Bush administration's proposal to have the government pay at least 80 percent of any claims resulting from losses from future terrorist attacks ran into a storm of criticism from lawmakers. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/business/25INSU.html?todaysheadlines ----- Some Suppliers Say Kmart Has Pressed for Deals Kmart has been pressuring some companies that supply its jewelry, food and other products to give it cash back and make other concessions to help its own bottom line. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/business/25SHOP.html?todaysheadlines ----- Bayer Agrees to Charge Government a Lower Price for Anthrax Medicine Federal health officials and executives of Bayer A.G. reached an agreement that would nearly halve the price that Bayer charges the government for its anthrax medicine, Cipro. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/business/25BAYE.html?todaysheadlines ----- MORE BUSINESS NEWS: http://www.nytimes.com/pages/business/index.html?todaysheadline TECHNOLOGY ========================= Driving Windows XP to Market Colleagues say Chris Jones, the Microsoft employee who led the army that designed the new Windows XP, is a good manager and leader, respected and fair. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/technology/25SOFT.html?todaysheadlines ----- It's the Cars, Not the Tires, That Squeal More devices are gathering data while you drive, offering convenience, and potentially evidence, too. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/technology/circuits/25CARR.html?todaysheadlines ----- A Gadget Inadvertently Saves MiniDiscs From the Scrapheap An odd thing happened to the MiniDisc player on its tumble toward the ash heap of failed electronic products. The devices, developed by Sony, began getting popular. Very popular. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/technology/circuits/25MINI.html?todaysheadlines ----- MORE TECHNOLOGY NEWS: http://www.nytimes.com/pages/technology/index.html?todaysheadline POLITICS ========================= Home Front Is Minefield for President President Bush is finding that the more complex and dangerous front in the war on terrorism is in what the White House calls "the homeland." http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/national/25BUSH.html?todaysheadlines ----- Terror Bill Clears House; Moves to Senate The House overwhelmingly passed sweeping antiterrorism legislation including new attacks on money laundering. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/national/25CONG.html?todaysheadlines ----- Divided House Approves Economic Recovery Plan Brushing aside criticism from Democrats that a Republican version of an economic recovery plan does to little for those in need, Republicans pushed their plan through the house. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/national/25STIM.html?todaysheadlines ----- MORE POLITICS NEWS: http://www.nytimes.com/pages/politics/index.html?todaysheadline SPORTS ========================= Mussina Tapped for Game 1 Start Yankees manager Joe Torre picked Mike Mussina to start Game 1 of the World Series against Arizona's Curt Schilling. Andy Pettitte will start Game 2 against Randy Johnson. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/sports/baseball/25YANK.html?todaysheadlines ----- Diamondbacks Give Anderson Surprise Start Left-hander Brian Anderson made only two starts in September after his demotion to the Diamondbacks' bullpen, but he will start Game 3 for Arizona. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/sports/baseball/25ARIZ.html?todaysheadlines ----- Chrebet Will Not Play Sunday Wayne Chrebet, who has missed only five games in his career, will sit out Sunday's game against Carolina with the lingering effects of a concussion he suffered against Miami. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/sports/football/25JETS.html?todaysheadlines ----- MORE SPORTS NEWS: http://www.nytimes.com/pages/sports/index.html?todaysheadline ARTS ========================= Competing Plans Hope to Shape a Trade Center Memorial Since the World Trade Center attack on Sept. 11 there have been no shortage of ideas for a memorial for the thousands of people who died there. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/arts/25MEMO.html?todaysheadlines ----- Several Orchestras in Trouble Financially Two major symphony orchestras are on the brink of bankruptcy while a third is projecting deficits for the first time in 15 years. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/arts/music/25ORCH.html?todaysheadlines ----- Ballet Theater Opens a Visit With Samples And Spirit American Ballet Theater opened its fall season on Tuesday night with a cheerful romp through a collection of ballets that offered a "taster's menu" of the season's repertory to come. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/arts/dance/25GALA.html?todaysheadlines ----- MORE ARTS NEWS: http://www.nytimes.com/pages/arts/index.html?todaysheadline NY REGION ========================= 5 Die as Scaffolding Collapses at Manhattan Office Building Five construction workers were killed and 10 others were injured when a scaffolding collapsed at a Manhattan office building on Wednesday. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/nyregion/25COLL.html?todaysheadlines ----- Official Toll Varies in Trade Center Losses The oranizations feared to have lost the most people in the trade center collapse have finished their count, but the total comes to only 2,445, far less then the estimate kept by the city. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/nyregion/25NUMB.html?todaysheadlines ----- As Time Runs Low, Bloomberg Runs Rough Republican candidate for mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is encountering repeated difficulties as he moves in to the final phase of his campaign. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/nyregion/25MAYO.html?todaysheadlines ----- MORE NY REGION NEWS: http://www.nytimes.com/pages/nyregion/index.html?todaysheadline OP-ED ========================= Bush's Mideast Charade By WILLIAM SAFIRE The Bush administration knows full well that Israel cannot turn the other cheek when one of its cabinet ministers is assassinated. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/opinion/25SAFI.html?todaysheadlines ----- Collateral Damage By BOB HERBERT Even as the grieving continues for the many who died, the city has to confront economic consequences that could undo the progress of the past several years and usher in a long period of decline. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/opinion/25HERB.html?todaysheadlines ----- Windows of Opportunity By ROBERT X. CRINGELY Windows XP is a new operating system, but Microsoft's agenda is the same: total domination over the world of personal computing. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/25/opinion/25CRIN.html?todaysheadlines ----- MORE OP-ED NEWS: http://www.nytimes.com/pages/opinion/index.html?todaysheadline HOW TO CHANGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------ You received these headlines because you requested The New York Times Direct e-mail service. To cancel delivery, change delivery options, change your e-mail address or sign up for other newsletters, see http://www.nytimes.com/email. Check or uncheck the headlines you would like to receive and remember to go to the bottom of the page and click on "Save Selections." To change your e-mail address, go to our help center: http://www.nytimes.com/help. Suggestions and feedback are welcome at feedback@nytimes.com. 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