Enron Mail

Subject:(ClearStation) Recommendation : CTXS (Long) by kensey, Wed Nov 21
Date:Wed, 21 Nov 2001 17:43:45 -0800 (PST)

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=09 =09
=09'kensey' has recommended CTXS (Long) at Nov 21 2001 2:47PM =09
=09Citrix Systems (NASDAQ:CTXS) Symbol Last Time Change High Low Vo=
lume CTXS 20.65 2:58PM 0.48 21.05 20.14 3,812,800 Community Take =
277 Long / 7 Short =09
=09 'kensey' said: =09
=09 Wed Nov 21 11:40:07 2001 CTXS as a speculative swing trade long. CTX=
S definitive support at 18 3/4. this line is drawn in. probing for it her=
e. stop loss at 18. sure the Mavs have been stinking it up bigtime havin=
g lost last night to the Sonics at home. but taking the Mavs to beat charl=
otte on the road and giving up only 3 1/2 points is a lay-up as both Wesley=
and Mashburn are out. the only scoring threats charlotte is gonna have is=
baron davis. kensey =09
=09 Click here to see the full recommendation with annotated graph =09
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