Enron Mail

Subject:New TrueQuote!
Date:Mon, 11 Dec 2000 02:02:00 -0800 (PST)

I am sending you my standard "form letter" that contains your user name and
I understand that you may or may not find this system useful prior to us
going "executable"
but I wanted you to have the option of accessing it at your convenience.
Thanks, Kelly

USER ID: bmckay
PASSWORD: enron43

Thank you for your participation in testing our new version of
truequote.com. While this version is still a =01&view only=018 tool the fo=
will be identical to the version we will soon release with execution
capabilities. I've assigned you a user specific user i.d. and password
above. You can change your password whenever you like for added security.
To access the True Quote homepage: http://www.truequote.com

I'm including with this message a number of links that can help explain Tru=
Quotes new functionality.

A Flash demo to give you insight into True Quote:
A link to the technical page that explains system requirements to optimize
True Quote: http://www.truequote.com/info/tech.htm
A link to frequently asked questions regarding True Quote:
Attached below you will find a printable users guide to help you navigate
the application.

Please do not hesitate to call me (713)622-5253 or Trevor Atkins
(800)327-1499 if you have any questions.


Kelly Stroud
Account Executive

- truequote users guide.doc