Enron Mail

Subject:Deloitte & Touche/NGX
Date:Thu, 21 Jun 2001 10:08:17 -0700 (PDT)

D&T are the auditors appointed under our NGX settlement to stream EOL data into the NGX/CGPR Alberta indices. D&T has signed a confidentiality agreement and, by the terms of the settlement, not only is it ok to provide counterparty names to D&T it is required. D&T is however prohibited from disclosing counterparty information to anyone, including NGX.

Peter C.M. Keohane
Vice President, Assistant General Counsel
and Secretary
Enron Canada Corp.
Phone: (403) 974-6923
Fax: (403) 974-6707
E-mail: peter.keohane@enron.com