Enron Mail

To:chuck.ames@enron.com, f..brawner@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com,scott.goodell@enron.com, john.hodge@enron.com, f..keavey@enron.com, brad.mckay@enron.com, jonathan.mckay@enron.com, scott.neal@enron.com, w..pereira@enron.com, vladi.pimenov@enron.com
Subject:FW: Production Area-South East La. Lateral Allocation
Cc:f..smith@enron.com, l..kelly@enron.com, dayem.khandker@enron.com,jesse.villarreal@enron.com, robert.superty@enron.com, l..driscoll-ernest@enron.com, donna.greif@enron.com, robert.allwein@enron.com, meredith.homco@enron.com, clarissa.garcia@enron.com
Bcc:f..smith@enron.com, l..kelly@enron.com, dayem.khandker@enron.com,jesse.villarreal@enron.com, robert.superty@enron.com, l..driscoll-ernest@enron.com, donna.greif@enron.com, robert.allwein@enron.com, meredith.homco@enron.com, clarissa.garcia@enron.com
Date:Wed, 28 Nov 2001 06:59:32 -0800 (PST)


-----Original Message-----
From: CustomerNotices, WGPHOU [mailto:WGPHOU.CustomerNotices@Williams.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 6:36 PM
Subject: FW: Production Area-South East La. Lateral Allocation

This notice is being resent to customers due to the fact that many of our customers did not to receive the original notification. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

-----Original Message-----
From: CustomerNotices, WGPHOU
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 11:52 AM
Subject: Production Area-South East La. Lateral Allocation

November 27, 2001

To: Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation Customers and

Re: Production Area - South East La. Lateral Allocation

Due to operational constraints in Transco's production area,
effective gas day November 28, 2001 and until further notice
Transco will be limiting receipts upstream of Station 62 for
delivery downstream of Station 62 to 450 MMDT/D.
All shippers affected by the daily capacity allocation will
be notified as soon as possible.

Additionally, all shippers are advised to ensure that physical
receipts and physical deliveries are in balance on a daily basis.
Also, per Transco's System Imbalance notice posted on 11/26/01,
all shippers should immediately work to reduce any positive
transportation imbalances.

If you have any questions, please call Terry Fitch at (713) 215-
3361 or John McGrath at (713) 215-2514.

Terry C. Fitch
Gas Operations