Enron Mail

To:stephane.brodeur@enron.com, chris.lambie@enron.com, chad.clark@enron.com
Subject:FW: Declaration of Force Majeure - WEI McMahon gas plant
Date:Mon, 2 Jul 2001 07:35:30 -0700 (PDT)

Please note that because this event of force majeure is at the plant, and not on the pipe, it does not qualify as an event of force majeure under our contract. Any deals we have that are not done under a Enron contract will probably have force majeure applied to them.

Please endeavor to find commercially reasonable terms to work around this problem regardless of who's contract the deal was done under.



-----Original Message-----
From: Brodeur, Stephane
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 9:50 AM
To: Mckay, Jonathan; Lambie, Chris
Subject: FW: Declaration of Force Majeure - WEI McMahon gas plant

-----Original Message-----
From: "Murray Bennett" <mbennett@wei.org<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Murray+20Bennett+22+20+3Cmbennett+40wei+2Eorg+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 2:23 PM
To: Tackney, Conal; Enron/Jeff Haskey/IT; Prior, Liz; Enron/Rich Gebauer/IT; Brodeur, Stephane
Subject: Declaration of Force Majeure - WEI McMahon gas plant

McMahon gas plant
Westcoast Energy Inc. hereby gives notice pursuant to Section 19.03 of its
General Terms and Conditions for Service of an occurrence of Force Majeure
at Westcoast Energy's McMahon Gas plant on Saturday June 30, 2001.
At approximately 0714 hours PST on Saturday June 30, 2001 WEI McMahon gas
plant experienced a total loss of utility steam generation capability within
the facility. This failure resulted in total loss of processing capacity at
the facility. Westcoast Energy Inc. is currently working to return the
facility to full operation.
Shippers will be kept informed about the operational status of the event via
the WEI Flow Phone (604-691-5555).
For more information on the above Force Majeure, Shippers please contact the
WEI customer service representative on call, Cynthia Scott. Cynthia can be
reached at pager number 403.716.8748 or cellular 403.862.4836.

Murray Bennett
WEI Field Services Outage Coordinator
Cellular - (250) 262-6313
Dated at Ft. St. John, British Columbia, this 30th day of June, 2001

Murray Bennett
WEI FS Outages and Reliability
250-262-3460 or 6313