Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Reliant Entex-Tennessee Pipeline
Date:Thu, 13 Dec 2001 10:50:45 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Lamadrid, Victor =20
Sent:=09Thursday, December 13, 2001 10:34 AM
To:=09Superty, Robert
Cc:=09Ames, Chuck; Brawner, Sandra F.; Germany, Chris; Goodell, Scott; Hodg=
e, John; Keavey, Peter F.; Mckay, Brad; Mckay, Jonathan; Neal, Scott; Perei=
ra, Susan W.; Pimenov, Vladi; Ring, Andrea; Savvas, Leonidas; Smith, Mauree=
n; Taylor, Craig; Townsend, Judy; Versen, Victoria; Vickers, Frank
Subject:=09FW: Reliant Entex-Tennessee Pipeline


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Garcia, Clarissa =20
Sent:=09Thursday, December 13, 2001 11:26 AM
To:=09Boyt, Eric; Dicarlo, Louis; Diamond, Russell; Neal, Scott; Versen, Vi=
ctoria; Lamadrid, Victor
Subject:=09Reliant Entex-Tennessee Pipeline

Received a phone call on Thursday, December 13th approx. 9:15am from Royal =
Edmondson, Gas Control Manager for Reliant Entex. He was trying to locate =
Victoria Versen and was eventually transferred to me. He wanted to make s=
ure Enron was delivering gas to the Entex's city gates. He asked if Enron=
was currently nominating gas to Entex city gates? What about storage? I =
told him currently we were not nominating all the gas however; the city gat=
es were kept whole with the no notice storage K#2210. He was told by Tenne=
ssee the storage was not being nominated & there was a good possibility tha=
t the city gates were not receiving their gas. I reassured him the city ga=
tes were receiving their gas. ENA does not nominate storage, it was autom=
atically done at the pipeline level due to the 2 day allocation lag. As =
per his previous conversation with Vicki Versen, he has an estimate what th=
e storage levels were & wanted to make sure there was enough gas in the st=
orage to cover December. I told him he would need to speak with Vicki on t=
hat matter. I asked him if there was a problem that needed to be resolved=
& his response: Reliant is going to wait it through to see the outcome wit=
h Enron, but wanted to make sure the gas was being delivered. =20

After the conversation, I run the storage report for December & the gas is =
automatically being withdrawn. I called Royal back and confirmed gas was =
being withdrawn from storage. He asked for a copy of the storage report. I=
did not discuss volume or what Enron's intention were at this time. I have=
not fax him a copy of the storage report as per his request. =20

I did not want to alienate Royal, but at same time I did not want to provid=
e too much information without knowing his full intentions.


Clarissa Hanks
Sr Specialist Logistics-East Desk Lead
