Enron Mail

Subject:RE: New Database- Please send me your computer log-in id
Date:Fri, 1 Mar 2002 12:22:08 -0800 (PST)

see below

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Mcquade, Jennifer =20
Sent:=09Friday, March 01, 2002 10:11 AM
To:=09Abler, Bill; Abramo, Caroline; Allen, Phillip K.; Ames, Chuck; Anders=
on, John; Ballato, Russell; Bass, Eric; Baughman Jr., Don; Belden, Tim; Ben=
son, Robert; Biever, Jason; Black, Don; Brawner, Sandra F.; Breslau, Craig;=
Bryan, Gary; Calger, Chris; Carson, Mike; Clark, Chad; Cowan, Mike; Cranda=
ll, Sean; Cross, Edith; Curry, Mike; Davies, Derek; Davis, Mark Dana; Dean,=
Craig; Donovan, Terry; Dorland, Chris; Draper, Lon; Drozdiak, Dean; Ermis,=
Frank; Errigo, Joe; Foster, Chris; Frihart, Bryant; Furrow, Dale; Garcia, =
Miguel L.; Gilbert, George N.; Gilbert-smith, Doug; Griffith, John; Grigsby=
, Mike; Holst, Keith; Hrap, Gerry; Kaiser, Jared; Kaniss, Jason; King, Jeff=
; Kinser, John; Lackey, Chris; Lambie, Chris; Laporte, Nicole; Larkworthy, =
Carrie; Larubbio, Morris; Lavorato, John; Le Dain, Eric; Lenhart, Matthew; =
Lewis, Andrew H.; Ligums, Jeb; Llodra, John; Macphee, Mike; Maggi, Mike; Ma=
kkai, Peter; Mallory, Chris; Martin, Thomas A.; May, Larry; McCaffrey, Deir=
dre; Mcdonald, Michael; Mckay, Jonathan; Meyers, Albert; Mier, Michael; Mil=
ler, Jeffrey; Miller, Stephanie; Milnthorp, Rob; Neal, Scott; Oh, Grant; Oh=
, Seung-Taek; Otto, Charles H.; Pacheco, Leonardo; Padron, Juan; Patel, She=
etal; Pimenov, Vladi; Presto, Kevin M.; Quigley, Dutch; Redmond, Brian; Rei=
tmeyer, Jay; Richey, Cooper; Richter, Jeff; Ring, Andrea; Rorschach, Reagan=
; Saibi, Eric; Salisbury, Holden; Schiavone, Paul; Schneider, Bryce; Scholt=
es, Diana; Seely, Michael; Shields, Jeff; Shipos, Jennifer; Shively, Hunter=
S.; Slinger, Ryan; Smith, Mathew; South, Steven P.; Stalford, Robert; Stor=
ey, Geoff; Sturm, Fletcher J.; Swerzbin, Mike; Taylor, Craig; Taylor, Fabia=
n; Taylor, Johnny; Terp, Brian; Tholt, Jane M.; Thomas, Jake; Thomas, Paul =
D.; Thome, Stephen; Thurston, Patrice M.; Torres, Carlos; Townsend, Judy; T=
ripp, Garrett; Tycholiz, Barry; Valderrama, Larry; Vickers, Frank; Wang, St=
eve; Ward, Kim S (Houston); Watt, Ryan; Weldon, V. Charles; Wente, Laura; W=
illiams III, Bill; Williams, Jason (Trading); Wood, George; Woodland, Andre=
a; Zipper, Andy; Zufferli, John
Subject:=09New Database- Please send me your computer log-in id

Please disregard this message if you have already given me your log-in ids:

We will be launching a new database with comprehensive counterparty status =
information that will allow you to better track your customers' progress th=
rough the UBS approval process.

Please reply to this e-mail with the below information so that you can be s=
et up with the proper security settings:

Log-in ID (i.e. jmcquad2): jmckay1 (sometimes jmckay)
Group(i.e. Trading/Marketing/Origination): Trading