Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Pricing
Date:Thu, 19 Jul 2001 06:54:47 -0700 (PDT)

Telus Lindsay Park Hillsboro

1 Year 4.445 4.445 4.41

2 Year 4.545 4.545 4.50

3 Year 4.555 4.55 4.51

Good Luck......G0 STAMPS GO


-----Original Message-----
From: Frers, Greg
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 6:22 AM
To: Mckay, Jonathan
Subject: Pricing

Good morning Jon,

I need some firm pricing for the Telus Convention Centre, Lindsay Park and for Hillsboro Enterprises. one -Two - three year contracts. Hillsboro and Telus out of Oct. 1 and Lindsay out of Aug 1 - one year contract. Telus should close today( if all goes well ) If you don't get back to me before 8:15AM could you email the prices to Mark Dickin. I'm off to Edmonton for a game leaving at 9:00AM. Thanks Jon.


Gregory Frers
Enron Direct
Sales Manager
Suite 950, Encor Place
645 - 7th. Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4G8
Ph. : 403-663-2805
Fax : 403-663-2899
Greg.Frers@enron.com <mailto:Greg.Frers@enron.com<