Enron Mail

Subject:FW: URGENT - REQUIRES IMMEDIATE ACTION - UBS Orientation tomorrow
Date:Mon, 28 Jan 2002 12:10:13 -0800 (PST)

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-----Original Message-----
From: =09Clyatt, Julie On Behalf Of Oxley, David
Sent:=09Wednesday, January 23, 2002 4:43 PM
To:=09Allen, Phillip K.; Ames, Chuck; Anastas, Sherry; Anderson, John; Bass=
, Eric; Baumbach, David; Baxter, Bryce; Black, Don; Brawner, Sandra F.; Bru=
ce, Michelle; Buckley, Karen; Campos, Anthony; Cashin, Janine; Castillo, Mi=
chael; Clause, Kristen; Clyatt, Julie; Curless, Amanda; Davies, Neil; Dhont=
, Margaret; Ermis, Frank; Ewing, Linda J.; Fitzpatrick, Amy; Giron, Darron =
C.; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; Griffith, John; Grigsby, Mike; Heu, Mog; Holst, Ke=
ith; Hungerford, James; Huntley, Kelley; Jacobs, Charles; Jarrett, Anthony=
; Jones, Brad; Keavey, Peter F.; Keiser, Kam; Lenhart, Matthew; Lewis, Andr=
ew H.; Loibl, Kori; Love, Phillip M.; Maggi, Mike; Mahmassani, Souad; Marti=
n, Thomas A.; May, Larry; Mckay, Brad; Mckay, Jonathan; McLaughlin Jr., Err=
ol; Mendoza, Genaro; Mills, Bruce; Neal, Scott; Oquinn, Kari; O'Rourke, Rya=
n; Oxley, David; Palmer, B. Scott; Perich, Stephen; Reitmeyer, Jay; Ring, A=
ndrea; Romero, Araceli; Ruscitti, Kevin; Schwieger, Jim; Scott, Susan M.; S=
everson, Russ; Shively, Hunter S.; Slone, Jeanie; Smith, Mathew; Sprowls, C=
athy; Storey, Geoff; TAYLOR, Joseph; Tholt, Jane M.; Townsend, Judy; Underw=
ood, Thomas; Valdes, John; Vargas, Laura; Videtto, Melissa; Weldon, V. Char=
les; Williams, Jason (Trading); Winfree, O'Neal D.; Wolfe, Jason; Worthing,=
Ashley; Zipper, Andy
Subject:=09 URGENT - REQUIRES IMMEDIATE ACTION - UBS Orientation tomorrow @=
The Houstonian

Date: Thursday, January 24, 2002

Location: The Houstonian Hotel

Orientation will be split into two sessions and divided by alpha-order. Ses=
sions will run 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm.

We encourage all of you to attend your designated session as valuable infor=
mation will be presented, and you will have the opportunity to get answers =
to your questions.

You will need to bring your Enron ID card or drivers license.

You can speed things up tomorrow by filing in the attached forms - alternat=
ively you can complete them there tomorrow

10am Session Letters A- K

2pm Session Letters L-Z

Registration will be outside of the Juniper Room.

Bus Transportation

Buses will depart from the Java Plaza area on the ground floor of the north=
building at:

First session =09=09=09=09Second session