Enron Mail

To:houston.dl-ubsw@enron.com, portland.dl-ubsw@enron.com
Subject:Important Information: T&E and AP
Cc:per.dyrvik@ubsw.com, patrick.canavan@ubsw.com, brad.williams@ubsw.com
Bcc:per.dyrvik@ubsw.com, patrick.canavan@ubsw.com, brad.williams@ubsw.com
Date:Tue, 12 Feb 2002 16:24:30 -0800 (PST)

Employee Expense Reports (T&E)

UBS uses an on-line system, Concur, to process Travel & Entertainment (T&E) expenses. We would like to provide you with some guidelines in getting an employee expense report processed. Until everyone gets access to the website, a limited number of UBS terminals will be made available to employees. Designated business area assistants are being trained on the UBS "eTravelExpense" system. The following steps should be used to submit a T&E expense report:

? Locate a UBS terminal (separate notification will be distributed when locations are known)
? Logon to system (ID's distributed at a later date)
? Complete T&E form on line
? Print out the 'Receipt Report' and obtain the appropriate signatures on the report
? Attach original receipts required as defined on the 'Receipt Report'
? Drop off in bin located at 05199

The UBSW Energy LLC management has determined the approval requirements for all T&E expenses to be at an Executive Director level and above. The approval structure is as follows:

$10,000 and below Executive Director
$10,001 and greater Managing Director

At this time, we are requesting employees submit expense reports no more than twice a month. All T&E (checks or direct deposits) will be processed from the Weehawken, NJ office but paid out of the Stamford, CT office. Until the website becomes available, Portland employees will need to use the attached manual T&E expense form in excel. The completed form and original receipts should be mailed to the Houston location for further processing:

UBS Warburg Energy LLC
Attention Accounts Payable
PO Box 4764
Houston, Texas 77210-4764

A global T&E policy is located on the UBS intranet site and will be distributed to the assistants.

Third Party Vendor Invoices (Accounts Payable)

When submitting an invoice to Accounts Payable for payment to a third party vendor, the following information MUST be included:

Required Information
? The name and address of the vendor should be clearly identifiable on the invoice.
? The invoice must clearly display the total amount to be paid including sales tax (if applicable).
? A coding sheet or wire request form must be completed and attached to the front of the original invoice (see attached forms).
? Obtain authorized UBSW Energy LLC signatures and date of approval on invoice (do not use coding sheet).

? Only original invoices should be delivered to ECS 05199 (Accounts Payable)
? Clock in the invoice and drop off in the bin marked 'Invoices'

The invoices will be processed and paid out of the Stamford, CT office every Monday, Wednesday and Friday with the exception of the last three days of the month. Vendors will be paid thirty days from invoice date unless otherwise specified. Since all checks are to be processed and mailed out of the Stamford office, same day checks will not be available, so please plan accordingly.
The UBSW Energy LLC management has determined the approval requirements for all third party vendor invoices to be at an Executive Director level and above. The approval structure is as follows:

$ 50,000 and below Executive Director
$ 50,001 to $250,000 Managing Director
$250,001 and greater Two Managing Directors

The Accounts Payable department will route all invoices for final approval to Wes Colwell or Georganne Hodges. The Portland office will follow the same guidelines and send to the Houston location listed above for further processing.


Any questions regarding coding or payment status should be directed to the following individuals:

Toni Bustamante (ECS 05198) telephone (713) 345-7044

Stacey Aune (ECS 05197) telephone (713) 853-3151