Enron Mail

Subject:ENW Contractor Time Reporting in SAP
Date:Mon, 9 Apr 2001 18:30:00 -0700 (PDT)

Effective, February 1, 2001, ENW Contractors are required to utilize the=20
SAP/CATS systems to record all time worked. Each Cost Center Owner is=20
responsible for keeping track of their Contractors=01, hours on a monthly b=
as well as ensuring Contractor compliance with this mandate.

At the end of each month, ENW Accounting is providing Contractor reporting =
Office of the Chair. However, the accuracy of this report is dependent on=
Contractors entering their time into SAP.

As a result, going forward, a second =01&non-compliance=018 report will be=
submitted to Office of the Chair on a monthly basis, detailing Contractors=
not entering their time and the Contractor supervisor. Please contact Dian=
Latson (X5-7184) if you believe your contractors are exceptions and should=
not be entering time.

Contractor Time Entry

Contractors are required to enter their time in eHRonline to one of the=20
following: (1) project numbers, which are called WBS Elements; (2) cost=20
centers, which are associated to a specific department and not a formal=20
project. It is the Supervisor=01,s responsibility to ensure Contractors ar=
provided with the proper project or cost center coding.

Unlike invoice coding, SAP will only accept a Cost Center or WBS element=20
number for each time entry line. This means that you cannot enter a Cost=
Center and a WBS element number on the same line. SAP will read this=20
information from left to right and will only pick up the first entry. For=

CostCenter WBS Element =20
123456 c.9999.99.99.99 =20

The system will look at this entry and all time will be charged as expense =
Cost Center 123456.=20

Any questions regarding time entry coding should be directed to ISC HR=20
support x5-4727.