Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Gas Daily deals in dispute
Date:Tue, 16 Jan 2001 07:51:00 -0800 (PST)


For a long time John and Mike have been letting counterparties who
accidentally click on the Gas Daily stack change the deals to NYMEX swaps.
The counterparty would let John/Mike know and then they would tell us. In
addition, at the end of the month, we would get calls from settlements and
credit telling us (per the counterparty) that there were more deals that
needed to be changed from GD to Nymex than we had changed. John would let
them change those deals too.

On Friday we changed some Jan. `01deals with Utilicorp that had been done in
late November to NYMEX swaps. Because of the timing there was a P/L impact
of -$1.3MM. When John saw this today he asked me what it was, I explained,
and he stated that what they click on is what they get. I relayed this to
settlements and credit and that is why Kim is calling you b/c Reliant and
Utilicorp are 'upset'. They claim that they have John and Mike on tape
letting them out of the GD deals and into NYMEX swaps.

We do not change the actual deals booked by EOL. We book two new legs that
create a NYMEX swap and flip out the GD deal.
