Enron Mail

Subject:Enron Policies on Equal Employment, Harassment Prevention and Fair
Date:Thu, 2 Aug 2001 18:30:44 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling@ENRON <IMCEANOTES-Ken+20Lay+20and+20Jeff+20Skilling+40ENRON@ENRON.com<
X-To: All Enron Employees United States Special@ENRON
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Management and employees both have roles in meeting Enron's commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity, and Harassment Prevention. To achieve Enron's vision, we need to recruit, select, retain, and manage the most talented people effectively. We expect all employees to demonstrate Enron's values of respect, integrity, communication and excellence in the workplace. Our efforts to achieve equal employment, and prevent harassment for all employees will guide us towards ensuring that each employee and organization is as productive, inventive, and competitive as possible in a world of changes.

Enron is an equal employment opportunity (EEO) employer. In choosing to do business with federal, state, and city government agencies, Enron implements affirmative action plans (AAP) to recruit, retain, and promote women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and covered veterans. Our efforts are inclusive and based on sound business practices, individual qualifications and merit. Employee and management conduct is expected to be inclusive and equitable in all aspects of the workplace, including recruitment, applicant screening, hiring, training, assignments, compensation, benefits, job performance evaluation, disciplinary action, separation, and the like. There is no place at Enron for management practices that include bias, favoritism, discrimination, harassment, or conduct that otherwise violates the law or Company policy.

Enron's Harassment Prevention Policy was developed to prevent harassment and help all employees to maintain a productive and mutually rewarding work relationship. Harassment of any type, including sexual harassment, is contrary to our policy and preventable with education and respectful personal behavior. We want all employees to know what harassment is, how to prevent it and how to report it. Our policy outlines these unacceptable behaviors and helps employees better understand work-related expectations and steps. Every employee at Enron is expected to prevent harassment and report it if it happens.

Enron's Fair Treatment Policy was developed to provide and maintain a work environment in which all employees are treated equitably. Our goal is to resolve employment disputes promptly, informally and (where possible) at the lowest level. Employees who believe they are treated unfairly are encouraged to discuss the matter with their immediate supervisor. When a concern of unfair, unlawful or unsafe treatment is raised, it will be investigated thoroughly and promptly. An effective resolution will be reached based on all the information. The Company will take reasonable steps to ensure confidentiality, but must act on assertions indicating that a violation of policy or law has occurred.

Each of these policies is available for review at http://home.enron.com/resources. Please familiarize yourself with these policies. Enron expects and encourages every worker to report workplace issues of concern. If you need to speak with anyone someone regarding these policies or if an incident occurs that concerns you, please talk with your supervisor, contact your Human Resources representative, or call Enron's Office of Labor and Employment Relations Department at 713-853-7573. Management is expected to ensure retaliation does not occur. In addition, Cindy Olson, as is Enron's EEO officer. As and Executive Vice President of Human Resources and Community Relations, Cindy has the responsibility, authority, and full support of Enron to ensure that all employees can avail themselves of our policies.

Your support of respectful workplace relationships adds to a productive and rewarding work environment. In turn, such personal and organizational success adds to Enron's business success.

Thank you.