Enron Mail

To:chris.abel@enron.com, thomas.araujo@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com,r..brackett@enron.com, a..brown@enron.com, c..giron@enron.com, sheila.glover@enron.com, c..gossett@enron.com, j..hanson@enron.com, willie.harrell@enron.com, nancy.hernandez@enron.
Subject:FYI: TAGG/ERMS environment
Cc:jayant.krishnaswamy@enron.com, bill.fortney@enron.com, ron.nolte@enron.com,ganapathy.ramesh@enron.com, d..powell@enron.com, duong.luu@enron.com, sanjay.gupta@enron.com, chris.schomer@enron.com, ken.dunsmore@enron.com, jennifer.onggowidjaja@enron.com,
Bcc:jayant.krishnaswamy@enron.com, bill.fortney@enron.com, ron.nolte@enron.com,ganapathy.ramesh@enron.com, d..powell@enron.com, duong.luu@enron.com, sanjay.gupta@enron.com, chris.schomer@enron.com, ken.dunsmore@enron.com, jennifer.onggowidjaja@enron.com,
Date:Fri, 13 Jul 2001 09:41:10 -0700 (PDT)


FYI - please note the following TAGG/ERMS environments and to which instance of Oracle they are pointing to:

TAGG Test is pointing to egsdevel (egsdevel is an Oracle 8i instance)
(TAGG Test launches as follows: Start | Programs | Development Applications | Test Applications | TAGG )

TAGG Stage is pointing to egstest (egstest is currently the existing Oracle 7.3 instance)
(TAGG Stage launches as follows: Start | Programs | Development Applications | Stage Applications | TAGG )

TAGG Prod is pointing to the the current production database, ERMT, which is currently on Oracle 7.3
(TAGG Production launches as follows: Start | Programs | Business Applications | TAGG)

Thanks & regards,

Karima Husain
Project Manager, TAGG/ERMS
(713) 345-7252