Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Wednesday Nite Procedures
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 13:54:56 -0800 (PST)

You are at home vacuuming and mopping aren't you.

-----Original Message-----
From: McLaughlin Jr., Errol
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 3:28 PM
To: Taylor, Joey; Jones, Brad; Thibaut, Dan; Olney, Matthew; Vargas, Laura
Cc: Gossett, Jeffrey C.; Keiser, Kam; McLaughlin Jr., Errol
Subject: Wednesday Nite Procedures

Lady &Gentlemen,

WEDNESDAY night after you calc the all the books for WEDNESDAY and are sure everything is correct and finished per standard procedures, you all will have to copy each of the OFFICIALIZED books and calc and officialize them for Thursday and Friday. For Thursday, your dates will be 22-NOV-2001 & 21-NOV-20001. Friday's calc's will have the dates 23-NOV-2001 & 22-NOV-2001. You will have to calc Thursday's and Friday's books on INEXACT b/c curves will not be uploaded for those days. This is all being done for Credit purposes since the rest of the world does not celebrate Thanksgiving.

If you have any questions, call me at 713-870-8211 or ask Jeff or Kam.


Errol "Cigar in one hand, 8 iron in the other" McLaughlin