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T I C K E T M A S T E R . C O M ______________________________________________________________ O R D E R C O N F I R M A T I O N ______________________________________________________________ Hello, Errol: Thanks for purchasing your tickets with ticketmaster.com. We have received your order for 2 tickets to: QUEENS OF COMEDY HOUSTON ARENA THEATRE Saturday, Apr 28 2001 7:00PM Seat Location (SECTION 7, ROW Q, SEATS 1 TO 2) Total Charge $97.27 Your confirmation number for this purchase is 3-43664/DAL. You might want to print or save this email for future reference. To check the status of your order, please go to: https://ticketing.ticketmaster.com/order/accountSearch.html Remember, all purchases are subject to credit card approval and billing address verification. ________________________________________________________________ C U S T O M E R S E R V I C E ________________________________________________________________ Got any other questions about your ticketmaster.com purchase? We're here to help! Please contact us at: http://www.ticketmaster.com/h/contact_us.html ________________________________________________________________ M O R E A B O U T L I V E E V E N T S ________________________________________________________________ Swear you'd never miss a great event again? Register for My Account today! Sign up for ticketmaster.com News and learn about the latest in touring arts, sports, family and music events. Get ticketmaster.com's Event Notifier to learn what events are going on sale this weekend. https://ticketing.ticketmaster.com/cgi/myaccount.asp ________________________________________________________________ This email confirms the above ticket information. We make every effort to be accurate. However, we cannot be responsible for changes, cancellations or postponements announced after this email goes out. You will receive an email from us when your tickets are printed and about to be shipped.