Enron Mail

Subject:Ameriflash Newsletter
Date:Fri, 3 Nov 2000 05:51:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Errol McLaughlin/Corp/Enron on 11/03/20=
01:47 PM ---------------------------
=09From: ENA Public Relations 11/02/2000 11:19 P=

Sent by: Enron Announcements
cc: =20

Subject: Ameriflash Newsletter


Oil Products
The Oil Products Group executed a 1 year physical transaction, whereby Enro=
supplies Delta Airlines 100,000 barrels/month for one year beginning in =20
November of 2000, for a total of 1.2 million barrels.

On December 6 at 7pm, the Weather Channel will run a 15 minute special=20
interest story on Weather Derivative trading. Approximately 8 minutes of=
this telecast will focus on the Enron Weather Risk Management group, led by=
Mark Tawney, director. In September, a film crew spent two days recording t=
group's activities and interviewing Mark Tawney; Steven Vu, head of trading=
Gary Taylor, head of marketing; and Brando Hayden, trader. Efforts to=20
publicize Enron's leading position in the Weather Risk marketplace have=20
included this television show, the Enron Corp commercial focused on weather=
risk management, and several articles written by members of the Enron Weath=
Trading group. What's next? Enron Weather: the Movie - coming soon to=20
theatres near you!

Principal Investments
Tridium Inc., the leading provider of Internet-based automation=20
infrastructure solutions, announced the closing of a $20 million round of=
capital funding. The funds will be used to increase Tridium=01,s sales and=
technical support offices in North America, expand its operations into Euro=
and Asia, and enhance its technology and products. kRoad Ventures, L.P. and=
Enron North America each contributed $10 million in venture capital.

Energy Capital Resources
Westwin Energy, LLC, a privately held oil and gas exploration and productio=
company based in Midland, has been formed by the former management team of=
ARCO Permian. Along with the company=01,s formation, Westwin announced its=
financial partner, which is Enron North America. Westwin Energy will focus=
on drilling opportunities and select acquisitions in the Permian Basin of=
West Texas and Southeast New Mexico.

Enron Industrial Markets Fundamentals Analysis
Following the example of other Enron entities, Enron Industrial Markets has=
established a Fundamentals Analysis Group. Under the direction of Andrea=
Reed, the group is similar to the others, with the objective of providing=
market, industry, and regulatory information and identifying potential=20
commercial opportunities for originators and traders. Doug Moreno and Caro=
Marshall are the information experts. They are presently working to=20
aggregate all of Enron=01,s various resources into a library and a website=
(coming soon at http://eimfundy.dev.corp.enron.com/). Jennifer Riley is th=
quantitative analyst, and has already analyzed a number of statistical=20
relationships for the business entities to identify possible hedging=20
strategies. Peggy Determeyer (steel) and Karen Carter (paper/pulp and=20
lumber) will be providing analytical services to the two primary product=20
lines. Tammy Davis keeps them all organized with terrific administrative=20
support. Doug, Jennifer, Tammy, and Carol have followed Andrea from her=20
previous Merchant Asset Portfolio Management assignment, while Peggy and=20
Karen have joined from Enron South America and Enron North America,=20
respectively. If you have any ideas for critical analyses or information=
needs, contact one of them for help.=20

Foreign Exchange (FX) and Sovereign Risk (ENA Research Group)=20
In last week=01,s Ameriflash newsletter, we introduced you to the Country R=
and Foreign Exchange (FX) Department within the ENA Research Group, which=
included our responsibilities and some of the products we have developed fo=
Enron various business units. This week we would like to introduce you to t=
members of our group, Maureen Raymond-Casta=0Feda, Gwyn Koepke, Yana Krista=
and Leann Walton.

Maureen Raymond-Casta=0Feda heads the Country Risk and Foreign Exchange tea=
reporting to Vince Kaminski. Maureen is Enron=01,s Chief Economist and is=
responsible for corporate sovereign risk and economic analysis, briefing th=
FX trading desk on major central bank policies, forecasting all FX and=20
revenue escalators corporate-wide for 60 countries, and advising Enron=01,s=
underwriters and the Chief Credit Officer. As Enron changes its business=
objectives, our group serves these objectives through our analysis. For=20
example, we provide research and analysis services to the steel fundamental=
analysis group as well as to the non-ferrous metals group in London. Gwyn=
Koepke is an Associate and is responsible for conducting economic analysis=
for all FX and inflation curves produced by the group as well as writing=20
country briefs for the various Enron business units. Yana Kristal is an=20
analyst who gathers country research and prepares Excel charts. Leann Walt=
is the team=01,s newest member and provides all administrative and research=

As a reminder, the Country Risk and FX team launched a new product in Octob=
called the Enron =01&Global Markets Monitor,=018 which informs traders and=
management about important international economic events and their impact o=
currency and financial markets. If you would like to receive the Monitor on=
weekly basis via email, please send a note to Leann Walton. Or, you can=20
obtain the Global Markets Monitor from our web site at:
(look for the spinning New sign) =01) Please add this to your bookmarks or=


Thanks to all who participated in Enron's annual employee survey. The tota=
participation rate for ENA/EGM/EIM was 68.90%, which was an increase of=20
almost 20% from last year. Additionally, we beat the Enron Corp. average=
68.90% to 68.87%. Some might say that this is statistically insignificant,=
but we prefer to point out that a win is a win!


New Hires
ENA- Doglas Allen, Brooks Barnes, Angela Cadena, Reno Casimir, Amelia=20
Cavazos, Jane Coleman, Andrea Dahlke, Susan Entman, Kulvinder Fowler, Krist=
Fredericks, Tammy Gilmore, Lori Haney, Brandee Jackson, Janine Kattner,=20
Brenna Neves, Vivian Nguyen, Dexter Peoples, Erica Rodriguez, Patricia Room=
Dayna Smith, Stephanie Wainwright, Ellen Wallumrod, Deanna Washington,=20
Gregory Whitman

EGM- Mario De la Ossa, Stephanie Harris


FORTUNE, November 13, 2000, Page 80
Beware: You Could Soon Be Selling Soybeans Make your products stand out =01=
fast =01) before someone turns it into a commodity.
"=01(What=01,s next? Fortune says you can run a reverse auction anytime you=
can do=20
two things: specify exactly what you want and identify several bidders you=
deem qualified to fight for the business. Let your imagination roam. At Enr=
they never stop thinking about new products and services for which they can=
make markets. First gas and electricity, now bandwidth, ocean shipping,=20
paper, and much else."

Internet Week, October 30, 2000
"Enron doesn't just make markets; it assaults them."


=01&Results not reasons=018 =01) Craig Breslau, VP/Industrial Middle Market=

"Okay, here's the deal..." - Jean Mrha Beach, VP/Upstream Origination-ENA


In your cellar there are three light switches in the OFF position. Each=20
switch controls 1 of 3 light bulbs on the floor above. You may move any of=
the switches but you may only go upstairs to inspect the bulbs one time. H=
can you determine the switch for each bulb with one inspection?

Turn switch one on for a while=01(then turn it off. Turn switch two on, go=
upstairs to inspect. The hot bulb is controlled by switch one, the lit bul=
is controlled by switch two. The unlit bulb is controlled by switch three.

CONGRATULATIONS to our winners: Richard McKeel, Jim Sugrue, Ed Hearn, Rhond=
Denton, Mark Breese, Benjamin Thomason, Gil Muhl, Corey Hollander, James=20
Haden, Stinson Gibner, Richard Zamora, Robert Stalford, John Gordon, Dan=20
Darland, Andre Templeman, Hector McLoughlin, Shelly Stubbs, Kelly Ellis,=20
Valter Stoiani, Dennis Lee, Paul Gregory, Rainer Cockrell, Regan Rorschach,=
Bill Rust, Gerald Gilbert.


The information contained in this newsletter is confidential and proprietar=
to Enron Corp. and its subsidiaries. It is intended for internal use only=
and should not be disclosed outside of Enron.