Enron Mail

Subject:More CUTS procedures
Date:Fri, 30 Nov 2001 15:49:05 -0800 (PST)

For all cuts the following procedures apply...

1.) Notes as usual

2.) In the Enpower Path Confirmation, we need to make cuts as Path Confirms. Enter comments in the confirmed section. We will be zeroing Enpower deals out on Monday (hint: NOTES are VERY important--All CUTS must be notated and the notes must be put in the accordion folders).

3.) Try to have the counterparties continue any paths around us. Just "bow out" gracefully if you have no other options with the words "L - D's."

4.) If we are cut by a generator/utility going into California, we must call the HA desk at California and tell them the increment that we will be underscheduling our load by. For example, EPE will be cutting all schedules going into California on light load (100 mws). If we cannot resupply the schedules we need to tell the state that we are underscheduling our load by 100 mws. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. We have posted an LC with Cali for this reason.

Also, EPE will be long RT 100 mws off-peak as they are no longer selling to us. 25 mws should be sold to TEP to cover a forward schedule. Stacy has set this up at PV. Please do this as a direct bill with EPE. As of Jan 01, 2002 we will no longer be marketing for EPE. Also, PV#3 will be coming off this weekend, and FC#4 will be down from HE 22 on Saturday through HE 06 on Sunday.

This will probably not be a fun weekend.
I appreciate your help.
