Enron Mail

To:lisa.kinsey@enron.com, l..mims@enron.com, l..schrab@enron.com
Subject:AOS and Windfall Outage
Date:Fri, 1 Jun 2001 06:43:37 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Liz Prior/CAL/ECT on 06/01/2001 07:38 AM ---------------------------

Sherrall.Vejprava@alliance-pipeline.com on 05/31/2001 08:47:37 PM
To: AllianceShippers@alliance-pipeline.com
cc: customerservice@alliance-pipeline.com
Subject: AOS and Windfall Outage

AOS for June 2nd will be 0%.

Effective end of Gas Day June 1st, Shipper positions for the Windfall outage
will be final. All accounts for June 2nd, 3rd & 4th will be monitored to
ensure there will be no additional packing. Receipts and deliveries must
stay within entitlement.

In June 1st:
7:00 - 4:00 - Shirley Van Den Bosch
8:00 - 5:00 - Marco Marchitelli, Nasser Hamid and Cathie Legge
1:00 - 9:00 - Sherrall Vejprava

Sherrall Vejprava
Alliance Pipeline
Customer Service Representative
Ph: 517-6283
Fax: 234-7040