Enron Mail

Subject:Central Illinois Confirm
Date:Fri, 19 Oct 2001 15:11:05 -0700 (PDT)


These are the changes that Enron Legal would like you to consider. Please =
review and let me know if these changes are acceptable. These changes would=
be be inserted and would replace the sections under Demand Charge, Transac=
tion Default Price, Reference Price and Flexible Pricing.

I know.......let me know what you think.=20


Demand Charge for Physical Call Option

Buyer shall pay Seller $0.03 per MMBtu multiplied by the FMDQ, plus fuel, m=
ultiplied by the number of days in the Month of Delivery.

Daily Pricing for Physical for Physical Call Option =20

Daily Pricing means the "Daily Midpoint" price set forth in Gas Daily
Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, or successor publication,=
in the column "Daily Price Survey" under the listing applicable to the geo=
graphic location closest in proximity to the Delivery Point(s) for the rele=
vant gas day. If there is no single "Daily Midpoint" price published for t=
hat particular Gas Day, but there is published a "Common" range of prices u=
nder the above column and listing, then the Spot Price shall be the average=
of such "Common" high and low prices. In the event that no 'Daily Midpoin=
t" price or "Common" range of prices is published for that particular Gas D=
ay, then the Spot Price shall be the average of the following: the price (d=
etermined as stated above) for each of the first Gas Day immediately preced=
ing and following the Gas Day in which the default occurred for which a Spo=
t Price can be determined.

FLEXIBLE PRICING: During the Period of Delivery for a Transaction, Customer=
may request a price other than the original Contract Price, being a Fixed =
Price or (each below defined) by contacting Company during Pricing Hours re=
questing any such price for a specified quantity of Gas to be Scheduled dur=
ing selected Months within the Period of Delivery; provided, such request m=
ust be made prior to 12:00 noon C.T. of the last Business Day prior to the =
last trading Day of the NYMEX Gas futures contract for the selected Month. =
A Confirmation may be sent by Company to Customer confirming the Flexible =
Pricing agreement in accordance with Exhibit "A" "Fixed Price" means a fixe=
d dollar amount agreed to by the Parties. The price for all Gas for which =
a Flexible Price has not been agreed by the Parties shall be the original C=
ontract Price applicable to the Transaction. "Notwithstanding anything to =
the contrary contained in this Confirmation or the GTC, upon Customer's acc=
eptance of Fixed Price, Customer shall keep whole and hold Company harmless=
for all cost and expenses incurred by Company with respect to the quantity=
of Gas that is converted into a Fixed Price, in the event that such quanti=
ty of Gas is not Scheduled by Customer for any reasons, including without l=
imitation events of Force Majeure.