Enron Mail

Subject:College Scholarship Report for Patrice Mims
Date:Sun, 21 Oct 2001 10:10:09 -0700 (PDT)

College Scholarship Report for Patrice Mims=20
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09October 22, 2001 Patrice Mims 8823 =
Deer Meadow Dr Houston, &state; 77071 Dear Patrice Mims, Congratulations!=
You are eligible to receive up to $20,000 in college scholarships and fina=
ncial aid*, including: - $1,500 "Best Book Buys" Scholarship - $1,000 "All-=
Ink" College Scholarship To receive your complete college scholarship rep=
ort , including application instructions, click here . This is a free serv=
ice. Note: Some scholarships require a response within two weeks. To get =
started, click here . * Eligibility assumes that you are a US Citizen with=
a 2.5+ GPA who would use the scholarship to attend an undergraduate or gra=
duate program full-time at an accredited four-year college. Some scholarsh=
ips are available to students who attend two-year colleges. Partial schola=
rships are sometimes available to students who attend part-time. Individua=
l results vary. Students may receive more or less than $20,000 in combined =
college scholarships, grants, and low-interest loans, from both government =
and private sector sources. Your college scholarship report focuses on pr=
ivate sector sources. Students are encouraged to also seek financial aid f=
rom the government and their college. For your free college scholarship =
report, click here now . =09

Questions and Answers
[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] How many scholarships are availabl=
e? [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Approximately 600,000 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] I don't have=
high grades or financial need. Am I still eligible? [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Yes=
. Many of the 600,000 scholarships are awarded based on skills, interests=
, or hobbies, rather than grades or financial need. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] How=
is my scholarship report generated? [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The scholarships li=
sted in this email are a sample. Your complete scholarship report will incl=
ude additional scholarships that are exactly matched to your skills and i=
nterests, based on a brief, online profile. This free service is recommende=
d by over 16,000 guidance counselors and financial aid officers. In total, =
more than 11 million students have used this free service since 1995. [IMA=
GE] [IMAGE] Is this the same as Government college financial aid? [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE] No. Your free college scholarship report will focus on supplem=
ental, private sector scholarships. This can be a good option for students =
who: - do not qualify for Government financial aid - qualify for Government=
loans, but seek scholarships instead, or in addition Note: Government gra=
nts and loans often form the majority of a student's financial aid package.=
All college students are encouraged to also apply for government assistanc=
e. =09

Click here now to receive your online scholarship report!=20
If the above links do not work or appear, simply copy this URL and paste it=
into your browser's address field:http://web1.customoffers.com/creative/fw=

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