Enron Mail

Subject:Fight back against high gas prices
Date:Wed, 24 Oct 2001 15:03:36 -0700 (PDT)

US0003491 Patrice Mims [IMAGE]
Claim Your Gas Rebate Now! For a limited time, we're giving away $100 worth of free gas! When you sign up for a FREE 30 day trial with Premia, you'll stop emptying your wallet to fill your tank! That's right, a full $100 CASH BACK from your gas purchases! These aren't discount coupons-this is REAL CASH BACK-and the best part is, you can receive your cash back after purchasing gas from ANY gas station in the USA! The $100 gas rebate is just one of the valuable benefits and incredible savings that you and your family can enjoy by signing up with Premia. Don't delay, Click Here to start saving immediately! Note: This offer is only valid for residents of the United States.

If the above links do not work or appear, simply copy this URL and paste it into your browser's address field: http://web1.customoffers.com/click.asp?lnk=1024&;email=PMIMS@ENRON.COM

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