Enron Mail

Subject:Free Shipping + Thanksgiving Weekend Sale
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 15:01:00 -0800 (PST)

IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Due to its popularity, we're extending our Free S=
hipping Offer through the Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend. When you spend $100=
or more, we pay your standard shipping costs. [IMAGE] Excludes Video Game=
Consoles and Gift Cards [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] Abundant Savings [IMAGE] Sale starts Thanksgiving Day. Incredible =
prices on top name brands, quality learning toys, video game consoles, vide=
o games and much more. While supplies last. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ?LeapPad Learni=
ng Center $39.99 - save $10.00 [IMAGE] ?Game Boy Advance $89=
.99 - save $10.00[IMAGE] ?Rumble Robots $19.99 - save $10.00 [IMAGE] ?Ba=
rbie or Ken in The Nutcracker $19.99 - save 5.00 [IMAGE] ?e-Kara Re=
al Karaoke Singing System $49.99 - save $20.00 [IMAGE] ?Rescue Heroes=
Aquatic Command Center now $64.99 Sale ends Sunday, November 25th. [IM=
AGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09=09

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[IMAGE] The Company Behind the New eToys KB Holdings, Inc., a company=
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