Enron Mail

Subject:Get 72 hours of unlimited psychic advice!
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 00:12:27 -0800 (PST)


Indulge your curiosity with 3 days of personalized psychic advice. Chat online with our experienced, caring, psychics to get insight into what the future holds for your love , career , and romance ! [IMAGE] We recognize how important these issues are to you, so we want to give you the time to express yourself. That's why we offer 72 full hours of online advice. With Psychic Realm, you don't have to worry about how long you've been on the phone, you get a 72 hour trial for a flat fee of $2.95, to get closure and the answers you need. Yes, you did read that right. Not $2.95 a minute, not $2.95 an hour, but with this trial offer, you get 72 hours of caring advice. You get the time. You get a gifted psychic with the power to understand. Click here to get started.
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