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[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] PATRICE MIMS [IM= AGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Delivery Paid By Sender [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] PA= TRICE --025567/JCR [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = PLEASE DO NOT INTERRUPT THE DELIVERY OF THIS IMPORTANT EMAIL TO THE INTENDE= D RECEIVER. DIRECT RESPONSE IS NOW EXPECTED.CLICK HERE! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Genuine Diamond Aw= ard Recipient [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Fin= al Notice of Genuine Diamond Award For Your Free Present Customers = PATRICE, I'm a little confused... Why haven't you claimed your Free* Diam= ond Award? Due to the nature of this offer, we must limit the limit the am= ount of people we tell. Please know that this could be your FINAL NOTICE! = We are giving away a Million Dollars worth of Diamonds and you have been se= lected to qualify as a lucky recipient. We cannot spend any more of our mon= ey trying to convince you to take this opportunity, and register to win the= grand prize three carat diamond solitaire necklace valued at $25,000.00. = Click here to claim your Free* Diamond Jewelry and get automatic entry for = the $25,000.00 grand prize diamond! [IMAGE] ************** REMINDER *******= ******* If you do not act on this official notice, your award will be forfe= ited. =09 *This free gift offer is not available to CA State residents. This One Mil= lion Dollar Deal On A Diamond Giveaway consists of a sweepstakes offering o= ne winner a Grand Prize of a 3 ct. Diamond Solitaire Necklace worth $25,000= .00. No purchase necessary to enter or win. Odds of winning depend on numbe= r of entries received. In addition, up to 48,750 entrants may claim a FREE = genuine Diamond jewelry with a retail value of $20.00 for a $4.99 shipping = and handling charge (we reserve the right to increase the number of diamond= giveaways). Click here for complete contest rules and privacy policy.=09