Enron Mail

Subject:Save $100 on The PERFECT Valentine Gift!
Date:Sun, 6 Jan 2002 11:07:35 -0800 (PST)

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<font size=-2<</font<&nbsp;
<table COLS=1 WIDTH='550' <
<td BGCOLOR='#E1E1E1'<
<center<<b<<font face='Arial,Helvetica'<<font color='#FF0000'<<font size=+3<Get
Them While Supplies Last!</font<</font<</font<</b<
<br<<b<<font face='Arial,Helvetica'<<font color='#3333FF'<<font size=+1<<a href='http://ads.pulsetv.com/al/a?aid=1311&;ent=588'<Save
$100 on This Elegant His &amp; Her Watch Set</a<</font<</font<</font<</b<</center<

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<td WIDTH='40%'<
<center<<a href='http://ads.pulsetv.com/al/a?aid=1311&;ent=588'<<img SRC='http://www.shagmail.com/img/1229a.jpg' BORDER=0 height=220 width=288 align=ABSBOTTOM<</a<</center<

<p<<b<<font face='Arial,Helvetica'<<font size=+1<Geneva Collection by Calvin
Hill&reg; 'His &amp; Her' Watch Set&nbsp;</font<</font<</b<
<br<<b<<font face='Arial,Helvetica'<<font size=+1<- Without the High Price
<p<<font face='Arial,Helvetica'<They say if you truly want to know how
much money someone makes ... just look at their wristwatch. If they're
really well off, chances are they're wearing (or own) a watch like this.
Individually, these magnificent quartz watches draw&nbsp;</font<
<br<<font face='Arial,Helvetica'<immediate attention, but when worn next
to someone you love - they tell the world you are inseparable.</font<
<p<<font face='Arial,Helvetica'<Now, thanks to an exclusive arrangement
with the distributor, we are able to offer<font color='#FF0000'< <u<BOTH
of these fine watches for a mere fraction of their appraised value.</u<</font<Each
set is shipped with a certificate of authenticity.<b< Was <strike<$129.95</strike<
. yours now only $29.95 pair (Set of 2)</b<.&nbsp;</font<
<center<<b<<font face='Arial,Helvetica'<<a href='http://ads.pulsetv.com/al/a?aid=1311&;ent=588'<Click
Here To Order</a<</font<</b<</center<

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