Enron Mail

Subject:Status of your 2001 Chevrolet request on StoneAge.com
Date:Fri, 1 Feb 2002 02:28:25 -0800 (PST)

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Hello again patrice thurston,</p<
<p<We need your help! You used StoneAge.com a while back to request information on a 2001 Chevrolet Tahoe 4dr LS. We sent your request to one of our accredited
dealers: Davis Chevrolet in Houston, TX.</p<

<p<Now we want to know if you've bought a car yet, or if there's something more we can do to help you.
Your feedback is <i<<b<very important</b<</i<, as it will tell us whether or not we can close this request, and will also help us improve the way we do business in the future.</p<

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<p<**</span< Please note that you will not receive a reply if you respond directly
to this message.</p<

<p<Thank you very much for your feedback and for using StoneAge.com!</p<
<p<Customer Service<br<
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