Enron Mail

Subject:Today's Headlines from NYTimes.com Saturday, January 26, 2002
Date:Sat, 26 Jan 2002 06:28:20 -0800 (PST)

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January 26, 2002 QUOTE OF THE DAY "I am disappointed in Yasir Arafat."=
PRESIDENT BUSH NATIONAL U.S. Identifies a Canadian as Taker of Martyrd=
om Pledge The Justice Department identified a Canadian citizen as the fift=
h suspected Al Qaeda follower who is said to have pledged himself to martyr=
dom on a videotape found in Afghanistan. Father in Killing at Hockey Rink=
Receives 6 to 10 Year Sentence Thomas Junta, convicted of beating another=
father to death at a practice youth hockey practice game, was sentenced to=
6 to 10 years in prison on Friday. A Harvard Star in Black Studies Joins=
Princeton K. Anthony Appiah resigned his position at Harvard University t=
o accept an offer to join the faculty of rival Princeton University. MO=
RE NATIONAL NEWS Advertisement Sign up now for DealBook for Breaking =
News and Market-Moving Intelligence Your source for daily briefings on the=
latest and most comprehensive news about market-moving mergers and acquisi=
tions, IPOs, private equity transactions, venture capital deals and Wall S=
treet maneuverings, all delivered before the market's opening bell. Edite=
d by Andrew Ross Sorkin. Sign up now! [IMAGE] INTERNATIONAL President =
Assails Palestinian Chief on Arms Shipment In his harshest comments yet on=
Yasir Arafat, President Bush suggested on Friday that the Palestinian lead=
er was "enhancing terror." Afghans Choose Panel for Organizing Crucial Gr=
and Council Afghanistan marked a political milestone on Friday with the an=
nouncement of a commission that will organize a grand council to choose the=
country's next government. 'Sleeper Cells' in Singapore Show Al Qaeda's =
Long Reach Officials have been taken aback by Al Qaeda's ability to plant =
operatives in Singapore, one of the most tightly controlled societies in th=
e world. MORE INTERNATIONAL NEWS BUSINESS U.S. to Reconsider Agency =
Contracts in Enron Scandal The Bush administration ordered federal agencie=
s on Friday to consider dropping contracts worth more than $60 million a ye=
ar with Enron and Arthur Andersen. Blue Lights or Not, Martha Stewart Rem=
ains Calm Kmart's bankruptcy has cast a cloud over the marriage that helpe=
d Martha Stewart escalate from suburban caterer to captain of her own merch=
andising empire. Questions About Loans at ImClone ImClone Systems, alrea=
dy facing an inquiry into whether it misled investors about the status of i=
ts cancer drug, made a surprising disclosure about its chief. MORE BUSI=
NESS NEWS TECHNOLOGY Amazon Looks for an Encore Amazon is not pulling b=
ack from its initial vision. But has it learned enough from its achievemen=
t so far to ensure its success? Stop, Historians! Don't Copy That Passage=
! Computers Are Watching Today's software market is flooded with programs =
designed to rout out copycats with maximum efficiency and minimum effort. =
Ericsson's 2001 Loss Is First in 50 Years Ericsson, the Swedish maker of =
telephone equipment, reported its first unprofitable year in half a century=
. MORE TECHNOLOGY NEWS POLITICS U.S. to Reconsider Agency Contracts =
in Enron Scandal The Bush administration ordered federal agencies on Frida=
y to consider dropping contracts worth more than $60 million a year with En=
ron and Arthur Andersen. Bush Calls for More Money for Border Patrols Pr=
esident Bush said on Friday that he would propose spending $11 billion next=
year to protect the United States' borders from terrorist attacks. Oppon=
ents Hope to Raise Doubts on Campaign Overhaul Republican opponents of ove=
rhauling campaign finance legislation suggested they would seek to stoke do=
ubts among lawmakers about changing the system under which they were electe=
d. MORE POLITICS NEWS SPORTS Capriati Rallies to Retain Her Title J=
ennifer Capriati successfully defended her title at the Australian Open, be=
ating Martina Hingis for the second straight year with a 4-6, 7-6 (7), 6-2 =
victory. Waldorf Moves Up, Tryon to Move On Duffy Waldorf was the clubho=
use leader at 12 under par after second-round play, while Ty Tryon ended =
the day with virtually no chance to make the cut. Fox Accepts Challenge o=
f Reviving Panthers John Fox, the Giants' former defensive coordinator, is=
the third head coach in the Carolina franchise's seven-year history. M=
ORE SPORTS NEWS ARTS The Women Behind the Masks of Hate For a year, Kat=
hleen Blee traveled America, seeking the ugly and the dangerous. Her findin=
gs will be published in "Inside Organized Racism: Women in the Hate Movemen=
t." Kipling Knew What the U.S. May Now Learn The notion of "White Man's =
burden," Rudyard Kipling's prescription for the United States as it began t=
o rule the Philippine Islands, seems peculiarly relevant in thinking about =
the war in Afghanistan. The Jupiter Orchestra Is a Lively Survivor The s=
crappy Jupiter Symphony is no more, but the musicians associated with it ha=
ve formed the Jupiter Symphony Chamber Players. MORE ARTS NEWS NY RE=
GION Accommodations, Next Door to Devastation Managers of the Marriott Fin=
ancial Center hotel are trying to provide hospitality within the perimeters=
of ground zero. New York City School Board Elections Postponed On Frida=
y, state legislative leaders said they would postpone New York City's commu=
nity school board elections for a year as they decide whether to change how=
the city school system is governed. Many Voices, but Little Dialogue on =
Memorial for Trade Center Site The two groups that are dealing with what t=
o do with the former World Trade Center site are speaking two different lan=
guages. MORE NY REGION NEWS OP-ED Enron for Dummies By BILL KELLE=
R I know I should be outraged by the Enron scandal, but there's a lot I st=
ill don't get. For starters, what kind of company is Enron, exactly? Capt=
ives and the Law By ANTHONY LEWIS The Bush administration has done well =
militarily in Afghanistan, but it has badly fumbled the question of jus=
tice for its captives. State of the Union, Test of the President By MIC=
HAEL WALDMAN President Bush must maintain support for the war while presen=
ting a politically viable plan for combating the recession at home. MO=
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