Enron Mail

Subject:$500 in Coupons Now!
Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2001 10:13:02 -0700 (PDT)

itsImazing NetworkDear PATRICE,You are receiving this message from the its=
Imazing Network because we have just formed a marketing partnership with iE=
xpect.com and you are a member of www.iexpect.com. The partnership gives yo=
u an automatic enrollment in the itsImazing.com Network and affords you man=
y FREE opportunities to receive value.To show you how easy it is to benefit=
from our Network, we have already enrolled you in our $50,000 Bundled Bona=
nza Sweepstakes for a chance to win $10,000 each from Wal-Mart, Best Buy, H=
ome Depot, JC Penney and Target. The drawing will be held around January 21=
st. Good luck!If you do not wish to be included in the itsImazing Network, =
please unsubscribe below. Our goal is to deliver offers that you will find =
appealing from nationally known catalogers, retailers and financial service=
s companies. During the next few months you can expect to receive invitatio=
ns and offers from our newest partners including PlazaDirect, GTMI/Adworx a=
nd Postalink. How does $500 in Free Coupons now sound?Click on the link bel=
ow, complete the brief survey, and automatically receive $500 worth of free=
shopping coupons, plus a chance to win in the $100,000 Give Away III from =
RightOffers! Click now! As part of our itsImazing.com pledge, we will con=
tinue to seek out other opportunities for you to get more free "stuff". We =
hope as a new member you find these services just as helpful as our million=
s of current members have reported. Thank you again for your participatio=
n and good luck with the drawing! These messages are only sent to membe=
rs of the itsImazing.com Network, who have specifically requested or agreed=
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via email from us and/or our select partners. If, for any reason, you wish =
to cancel your FREE, no-obligation membership, simply http://itsimazing.n=
et/remove/FE3B3530-0833-4E5A-AEC7-4C0F9CBB1553 for automatic deletion fr=
om our membership. It's that easy. [IMAGE]=09