Enron Mail

Subject:A $10 Gift for Your Amazoniversary
Date:Tue, 23 Oct 2001 00:04:57 -0700 (PDT)

[IMAGE] =09

Dear Amazon.com Customer, What's an Amazoniversary ? One year ago t=
his season, you placed your very first order (using this e-mail address) w=
ith Amazon.com. To extend our thanks--and show you how much growing we've =
done--we're inviting you back with $10 off your next order of $50 or more.=
So celebrate any way you like: with a bestselling book, a new DVD relea=
se, or a CD player--it's up to you. But be sure to take advantage of this =
exclusive $10 savings before it expires on October 31. (See details bel=
ow .) We look forward to all your Amazoniversaries to come! Sincerel=
y, [IMAGE] David Risher Senior VP and Amazon Customer of Five Years (and =
Counting) Amazon.com PS: Interested in receiving even more Amazon.com v=
alue with every purchase? Sign up for the Amazon.com NextCard Visa and sta=
rt earning points toward free books, music, videos, and more. Apply onli=
ne today . [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Books [IMAGE] Electronics [IMAGE] Music=
[IMAGE] DVD [IMAGE] Video [IMAGE] Software [IMAGE] Toys & Games [IMA=
GE] Kitchen &Housewares [IMAGE] Tools & Hardware [IMAGE] Outdoor Livin=
g =09

Don't delete! This is your $10 Amazon.com promotional certificate. Amou=
nt: $10 off your Amazon.com purchase of $50 or more. Claim Code: DAUX-YF7=
8LV-HSAQS5 Expires: October 31, 2001 To redeem your $10 promotional cert=
ificate, simply: 1. Go to Amazon.com . 2. Select the items you want (total=
ing $50 or more) and add them to your Shopping Cart. 3. Click the "Proceed=
to checkout" button. You'll be taken to the checkout page, where you can=
review your order and select shipping options. 4. Enter your promotional=
claim code in the space provided in the right-hand column (located below =
your order total) and click the Apply button. The certificate will be rede=
emed and the page will refresh with your revised order total. 5. Click the=
"Place your order" button. You're done! If you wish to review the detail=
s of your order again, click the Your Account button in the upper-right-ha=
nd corner of the page. The fine print: Offer must be redeemed at http:=
//www.amazon.com toward the purchase of products sold by Amazon.com and l=
isted in Amazon.com's online catalog. Offer cannot be redeemed at Amazon.c=
o.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.fr, Amazon.co.jp, or any other Web site operated b=
y Amazon.com, its affiliates, or third-party merchants accessible from our=
site (including, for example, our Health & Beauty store operated by drug=
store.com). Offer not valid in Amazon Marketplace, Auctions, or zShops. P=
urchase must total $50 or more, excluding shipping charges and tax. Pleas=
e use our Shopping Cart rather than our 1-Click ordering method if you wan=
t to apply this promotional certificate. You must pay for the order with=
a credit card. If you return items purchased with a promotional certifica=
te, you will not receive a refund for the amount of the promotional certif=
icate. Limit one offer per customer and one offer per purchase. Offer not=
valid with other promotional certificates. Offer must be applied at the=
time of the order and cannot be applied to orders already placed with us.=
Offer cash value is 1/10th of one cent and is not for resale. This pr=
omotional certificate will expire at 11:59 p.m. PDT on October 31, 2001. =
If you have any questions, please see the Help section of our site at h=
ttp://www.amazon.com/help We hope you enjoyed receiving this message. Ho=
wever, if you'd rather not receive future e-mails of this sort from Amazon=
.com, please visit your Amazon.com account page and under the Account S=
ettings: Personal Information heading, click the "Update your communicatio=
n preferences" link. =09

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