Enron Mail

To:vbrawner@ameritech.net, msdenita@aol.com, lenicebrown@dontech.com,pmims@enron.com, kisha.johnson-smith@unilever.com
Subject:Fwd: FW:
Date:Wed, 31 Oct 2001 11:35:22 -0800 (PST)

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X-Server-Uuid: 126109c8-9927-11d3-9a8d-00508b92c0ef
From: "Tabitha Meeks DDPIL" <tmeeks@deltadentalil.com<
To: "Sonia Rivera" <SRivera@deltadentalil.com<, "Michelle Ester-Shipps DDPIL" <MShipps@deltadentalil.com<, "'dmeeks@nicor.com'" <dmeeks@nicor.com<, "'Lorna_Jenkins@hotmail.com'" <Lorna_Jenkins@hotmail.com<, "'tmeeks@wm.com'" <tmeeks@wm.com<
Subject: FW:
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 10:36:02 -0600
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Sonia, This is so true...Thanks!! And right back at ya. :)

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Sonia Rivera
< Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 7:31 AM
< To: Lynn Haun; Michelle Ester-Shipps; Tabitha Meeks DDPIL
< Cc: Randy Alcantar (E-mail); Sonia Fennell (E-mail)
< Subject:
< Why I Love My Mom"
< < < < < << < < <
< < < < < << < < < Mom and Dad were watching TV when Mom
< < <said,
< < < < < << < < < "I'm tired, and it's getting
< < < < < << < < < late. I think I'll go to bed." She went
< < < < < << < < < to the kitchen to make
< < < < < << < < < sandwiches for the next day's lunches,
< < < < < << < < < rinsed out the popcorn bowls,
< < < < < << < < < took meat out of the freezer for supper
< < <the
< < < < < << < < < following evening, checked
< < < < < << < < < the cereal box levels, filled the
< < < < < << < < < sugar container,
< < < < < << < < < put spoons and bowls
< < < < < << < < < on the table and started the coffee pot
< < <for
< < < < < << < < < brewing the next morning. She then put
< < <some wet
< < < < < << < < < clothes in the dryer,
< < < < < << < < < put a load of clothes into
< < < < < << < < < the wash, ironed a shirt and secured a
< < < < < << < < < loose button. She picked up the
< < < < < << < < < game pieces left on the table and put the
< < <
< < < < < << < < < telephone book back into the
< < < < < << < < < drawer. She watered the plants, emptied a
< < <
< < < < < << < < < wastebasket and hung up a
< < < < < << < < < towel to dry. She yawned and stretched
< < <and
< < < < < << < < < headed for the bedroom. She
< < < < < << < < < stopped by the desk and wrote a note to
< < <the
< < < < < << < < < teacher, counted out some
< < < < < << < < < cash for the field trip, and pulled a
< < < < < << < < < textbook out from hiding under the
< < < < < << < < < chair. She signed a birthday card for a
< < < < < << < < < friend, addressed and stamped
< < < < < << < < < the envelope and wrote a quick note for
< < <the
< < < < < << < < < grocery store. She put both near her
< < <purse.
< < < < < << < < < Mom then washed her face with 3 in 1
< < < < < << < < < cleanser, put on her Night Solution
< < < < < << < < < and age fighting moisturizer, brushed and
< < <
< < < < < << < < < flossed her teeth and filed
< < < < < << < < < her nails. Dad called out, "I thought you
< < <
< < < < < << < < < were going to bed." "I'm
< < < < < << < < < on my way," she said.
< < < < < << < < < She put some water into the dog's dish
< < <and
< < < < < << < < < put the cat outside, then
< < < < < << < < < made sure the doors were locked. She
< < < < < << < < < looked in on each of the kids and
< < < < < << < < < turned out a bedside lamp, hung up a
< < <shirt,
< < < < < << < < < threw some dirty socks in
< < < < < << < < < the hamper, and had a brief conversation
< < < < < << < < < with the one up still doing homework.
< < < < < << < < <
< < < < < << < < < In her own room, she set the alarm, laid
< < < < < << < < < out clothing for the next day,
< < < < < << < < < straightened up the shoe rack. She added
< < <three
< < < < < << < < < things to her 6
< < < < < << < < < most important things to do list. She
< < <said her
< < < < < << < < < prayers, and visualized the
< < < < < << < < < accomplishment of her goals.
< < < < < << < < <
< < < < < << < < < About that time, Dad turned off the TV
< < <and
< < < < < << < < < announced to no one in
< < < < < << < < < particular, "I'm going to bed." And he
< < < < < << < < < did...without another thought.
< < < < < << < < <
< < < < < << < < < Anything extraordinary here?........
< < < < < << < < <
< < < < < << < < < Wonder why women live longer?.....
< < < < < << < < <
< < < < < << < < < CAUSE WE ARE STRONGER........
< < < < < << < < < MADE FOR THE LONG HAUL.......
< < < < < << < < < Send this to five phenomenal women
< < < < < << < < < today....they'll love you for it!
< < < <