Enron Mail

To:grant.oh@enron.com, dan.j.hyvl@enron.com, patrice.l.mims@enron.com
Subject:Re: Crestar/BP
Cc:brian_houghton@keyspancanada.com, michael_kleiner@keyspancanada.com,jim_pearson@keyspancanada.com, williakh@bp.com, gerry_kurtz@keyspancanada.com
Bcc:brian_houghton@keyspancanada.com, michael_kleiner@keyspancanada.com,jim_pearson@keyspancanada.com, williakh@bp.com, gerry_kurtz@keyspancanada.com
Date:Tue, 10 Apr 2001 16:05:00 -0700 (PDT)

Grant/Dan, both Gulf and BP agree with the language. Dan please insert the
clause in both contracts: Transaction #1 and #1a and then please forward
updated contracts.

Dan - does Enron need to sign the assignment again or acknowledge that the
existing assignment agreement will suffice? Either acknowledge by replying
to this e-mail or e-mail to state Enron need to sign the agreement again.

Kelvin - I believe the attachment below will be the final version for BP. I
would attach this document with BP's "package" to be sent to your US
signing authority.

I understand this is the last hurdle in making the assignment work, so lets
endeavor to have all the agreements signed by Tuesday afternoon so we can
start flowing AOS on Wednesday for Thursday's nomination cycle.

Thanks everyone,
Bruce Kohrs
Phone: (403)205-7684
Fax: (403)266-1947

n.com To: bruce_kohrs@keyspancanada.com
04/06/2001 Subject: Crestar/BP
03:07 PM

here we are bruce....
---------------------- Forwarded by Grant Oh/CAL/ECT on 04/06/2001 04:05 PM

Dan J Hyvl
04/06/2001 01:04 PM

To: Grant Oh/CAL/ECT@ECT, Hunter S Shively/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Crestar/BP

Please review the new added language to see if this is what you have agreed
to do.
(See attached file: 2001-023acrfm.doc)

(See attached file: 2001-023acrfm.doc)

- 2001-023acrfm.doc