Enron Mail

Subject:2001 Flexible Spending Accounts
Date:Tue, 9 Apr 2002 12:00:46 -0700 (PDT)

Reminder: The deadline for 2001 flexible spending account reimbursements is rapidly approaching. All 2001 flexible spending account reimbursements must be received in Aon Consulting's office by the close of business Tuesday, April 30, 2002. Their contact information is:

Aon Consulting
Flex Administration #00741-83
P. O. Box 2845
Winston-Salem, NC 27102-2845
Phone: 1-800-726-3221

You may also fax your reimburement request to: 1-336-728-2981 or 1-336-728-2983.

You can access forms and instructions at: https://pweb.synhrgy.com/enron/. Input your User ID (your SSN without dashes) and your password. (If you have never signed in to the Benefits webpage, the password is the last 4 digits of your social security number.) Then click on Resources and Forms and scroll down to Aon Consulting. Simply click on the forms and instructions you need.

For more information contact the Benefits Service Center at 1-800-332-7979.