Enron Mail

Subject:Lessons of Enron...The value of diversification.
Date:Tue, 2 Apr 2002 13:45:06 -0800 (PST)


<http://image.0mm.com/35435/2002/0325-1/hdr_news2.gif<April 2002
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Lessons of Enron...The value of diversification.

Dear Valued Customer,

One of the harshest lessons to emerge from the $60.7 billion wipeout of Enron has been the losses suffered by Enron employees who placed too much faith - and too many of their limited retirement assets - in company stock.

The Enron fiasco also affected millions of other Americans who encounter serious risk arising from holding too much stock in a single company.

Searching for the lessons of Enron <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/eng063091+266998867<, Financial Engines researchers went to the data and ran thousands of simulations on portfolios with varying combinations. Their research and insights into the benefits of diversification may surprise you!

We've also developed five easy steps to diversify your portfolio <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/eng063092+266998867<. Using your Financial Engines account we'll show you how to spend a few minutes to make sure your portfolio is properly diversified.

Think you're ready for an economic recovery? A quick review of your updated Financial Engines Forecast <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/eng062010+266998867< is a fast and easy way to confirm your investment plan is still on track.

Read the most frequently asked questions about the role of risk in investing <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/eng063093+266998867< in our Q & A section and the benefits of diversifying your investments <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/eng063094+266998867<. We also offer a comprehensive article on asset allocation <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/eng063095+266998867< and how to find the right mix for your portfolio.

Our End-of-year Survival Guide <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/eng063096+266998867< is full of tips and ideas to help you cut your taxes or just get a better handle on your finances.

You've got all sorts of questions and we've got the answers you need: From 250 frequently-asked questions and answers waiting for you in our Q&A section <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/eng063097+266998867< to our 750-term glossary <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/eng063098+266998867<, to our two 24-hour live news feeds from the Associated Press <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/eng063099+266998867<, Financial Engines has the right resources to meet your needs.
by Emily Li, Customer Support


Q: How do I account for real estate investments in my portfolio?

A: You should include your real estate investments in the Financial Engines Investment Advisor
service only if they now or will some day generate income that you invest towards your retirement or if you plan to sell your real estate at some point.

To include the investments you make from rental property income from now until your retirement:
Click the Personal info tab, and then click Investments. Click the account and fund/stock in which you invest your rental income. The service assumes that all of these investments continue until the age you selected as your retirement age. If this income will continue in retirement, please follow the steps I explain below.

To include rental income in retirement:
Click the Personal info tab, and then click Benefits. In the Retirement benefits area, click Add benefit and fill in the appropriate information.

To include the liquidation of real estate in the future during your retirement:
Click the Personal info tab, and then click Benefits. In the Retirement benefits area, click Add benefit and fill in the appropriate information. Be sure to select one time payment for the Duration.

Questions? Email Financial Engines support <mailto:support@financialengines.com<


Financial Engines founder and Nobel laureate Bill Sharpe was recently interviewed by InvestmentAdvisor.com on where most people go wrong in making financial decisions and other timely topics. http://www.investmentadvisor.com/mySearch/0102colgluck.html <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/eng063100+266998867<

Please note: You will leave the Financial Engines site to read the Bill Sharpe interview in InvestmentAdvisor.com.


For more information about Financial Engines, read our Form ADV - Part II <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/eng063101+266998867<.

You can also get a free copy by writing to us at:
1804 Embarcadero Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303, Attention: Customer Support.

Important Notice
Financial Engines Advisors L.L.C., an independent federally registered investment adviser, provides all advice. Your company or organization is not responsible for Financial Engines' investment advice.

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