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Subject:demagogue: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
Date:Sat, 6 Apr 2002 00:32:57 -0800 (PST)

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Word of the Day for Saturday April 6, 2002:

demagogue \DEM-uh-gog\, noun:
1. A leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals
to the emotions and prejudices of the populace.
2. A leader of the common people in ancient times.

This was to have held a sculpture of a Roman charioteer
driving four horses, but the work was never completed,
leaving behind what looks like a diving board or a futurist
balcony, ideally suited for a demagogue exhorting a throng
--Michael Z. Wise, "A Fascist Utopia Adapted for Today,"
[1]New York Times, July 11, 1999

A consummate demagogue, McCarthy played upon cold war
emotions and made charges so fantastic that frightened
people believed the worst.
--Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarthy: Reexaming the Life and
Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator

Even when he showed his true colors as a demagogue and
trickster, Stalin did so in such a crisp and weighty,
confidence-inspiring manner that he bewitched not only his
conversational partner but himself as well.
--Milovan Djilase, Fall of the New Class: A History of
Communism's Self-Destruction

Demagogue derives from Greek demagogos, "a leader of the
people," from demos, "the people" + agogos, "leading, one who
leads," from agein, "to lead."


1. http://www.nytimes.com/


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