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Subject:lachrymose: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
Date:Mon, 1 Apr 2002 02:42:18 -0800 (PST)

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Word of the Day for Monday April 1, 2002:

lachrymose \LAK-ruh-mohs\, adjective:
1. Given to shedding tears; suffused with tears; tearful.
2. Causing or tending to cause tears.

At the farewell party on the boat, Joyce was surrounded by
a lachrymose family.
--Edna O'Brien, "She Was the Other Ireland," [1]New York
Times, June 19, 1988

I promise to do my best, and if at any time my resolution
lapses, pen me a few fierce vitriolic words and you shall
receive by the next post a lachrymose & abject apology in
my most emotional hand writing.
--Rupert Brooke, letter to James Strachey, July 7, 1905

The game is perpetuated by the sons in a sometimes vicious
sibling rivalry that inevitably subsides into lachrymose
--Arthur Gelb and Barbara Gelb, [2]O'Neill: Life With Monte

Meanwhile, a lachrymose new waltz, "After The Ball Is
Over," was sweeping the nation.
--Benjamin Welles, [3]Sumner Welles: FDR's Global

Lachrymose is from Latin lacrimosus, from lacrima, "tear."


1. http://www.nytimes.com/
2. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0399146091/ref%3Dnosim/lexico
3. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0312174403/ref%3Dnosim/lexico


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