Enron Mail

To:robert.anderson@enron.com, jody.blackburn@enron.com,darren.cavanaugh@enron.com, m..driscoll@enron.com, mo.elafandi@enron.com, caroline.emmert@enron.com, fredrik.eriksson@enron.com, kenton.erwin@enron.com, jim.gilbert@enron.com, stan.gray@enron.com,
Subject:PLEASE READ: Conference call with Dan Leff
Date:Thu, 21 Mar 2002 13:08:48 -0800 (PST)

Please see Esmeralda's note below. Information on this conference call will=
be arriving soon.


Grace Rodriguez
Enron North America (Portland)
Human Resources

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Hinojosa, Esmeralda =20
Sent:=09Thursday, March 21, 2002 12:11 PM
To:=09Rodriguez, Grace
Subject:=09RE: Tomorrow: Floor Meeting with Dan Leff - ECS 4th Floor

Hi Grace: We won't have a dial-in number for the meeting on Friday, but Da=
n will host a conference call for those out of Houston. I will send you th=
e details as soon as I get them. Please let the people in Portland know th=
at that's coming soon.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Rodriguez, Grace =20
Sent:=09Thursday, March 21, 2002 12:57 PM
To:=09Hinojosa, Esmeralda
Cc:=09Kearney, Julie
Subject:=09FW: Tomorrow: Floor Meeting with Dan Leff - ECS 4th Floor

Hi Emeralda,

As several of the employees included in the distribution of this e-mail are=
located in Portland, could you advise as to whether or not there will be a=
conference number set up so they can participate in the meeting? Please le=
t me know. Thanks.


Grace Rodriguez
Enron North America (Portland)
Human Resources

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Emmert, Caroline =20
Sent:=09Thursday, March 21, 2002 10:50 AM
To:=09Rodriguez, Grace
Subject:=09FW: Tomorrow: Floor Meeting with Dan Leff - ECS 4th Floor

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Hinojosa, Esmeralda =20
Sent:=09Thursday, March 21, 2002 10:46 AM
To:=09Starr, Henry; Scott, Willie; Caldwell, Adam; Edison, Susan; Enochs, F=
red; Evans, Richard; Fehl, Richard; Gilmore, Anthony; Heuertz, Kelly; Korio=
th, Ann; Larkworthy, Lyle; Marshall, Lucy; Marvin, Michele Nezi; Naim, Shaa=
ban; Narvaiz, Laura; O'Connor, Kevin; Santikos, Mark; Sarkissian, Arshak; T=
onsall, Exie; Zimmerman, Grant; Afowowe, Emmanuel; Ayala, Stephen; Babaz, G=
eorge; Bennett, Forrest; Crane, Penny; Dunbar, Daryl; Erwin, Paul; Mestre, =
Jon ; Moss, Kevin; Nelson, Katie L.; Perez, Felix; Ratliff, Lonnie; Reyes, =
Charles; Terwilliger, Jason; Urraro, Dean; De Jong, Jelle; Noman, Syed; Tom=
iye, Babatunde; Grace, Michael; Lapeze, James; Songne, Joey; Knapp, David; =
Kellerman, Karl; Negron, Peter; Schroeder, Christine; Kingsbury, Randy; Klu=
g, Randy; Tobias, Kevin; Wise, Derek; Duenner, Anthony; Danyliw, Jason; Cor=
tes, Adriana; Aguilar, Elsa; Bertone, Mirella; Kirchhofer, Brad; Hamilton, =
Daniel; Hiddleston, Craig; Ueckert, Allen W.; Connor, Eric; Wright, Glenn; =
Hark, John; McCrory, Ian; Zacouras, Nick; Hanks, Paul D.; Tabbachino, Diego=
; Ruiz, Carlos; Bapst, Richard; Miller, Arthur; Albert, Richard F.; Deadwyl=
er, Erik; Richard, Robert; Comeaux, Clinton; Conner, Andrew R.; Bechmann, C=
harles; Briskey, Darralyn; Durr, Deborah P.; Leclaire, Maxime; Trevino, Son=
ia; Morris, Stella L.; Haney, Lori; Holzer, Eric; Dobler, Mark; Weisselberg=
, Alex; Fisher, Joni; Ward, Leslie; Riley, Christopher; Grumulaitis, Paige;=
Holmes, Sean A.; Chapman, Christy; Blanchard, Timothy; Blades, Russell; Pe=
terson, Stephen; Frazier, Lamar; Meyers, Steven R; Muench, Gayle W.; Kavief=
f, Pam; Humbarger, Kim; Darmitzel, Paul; Keller, James E.; Essandoh, Edwin;=
Roland, David; Higgason, Kelly; Freed, Richard; Finelli, Christina; Cordov=
a, Karen A.; Culver, Deborah; Hinojosa, Esmeralda; Dietrich, Janet; Kortes,=
Barbara; Fox, Whitney; Stephens, Cynthia; Boudreaux, Kevin; Botello, Letic=
ia; Hughes, Evan; Woodward, Jason; Young, Gregg; Frazier, Michael; Huddleso=
n, Diann; Rexrode, Stuart; Reynosa, Lily; Frank, Mark; Mixon, Mark; Pikofsk=
y, Lynn; Rodrigue, Robin; Tomaski, Richard; Barbe, Robin; Baughman, Edward;=
Boyt, Eric; Bridges, Michael; Brooks, Loretta; Chilkina, Elena; Churbock, =
Scott; Cohagan, Fred; Concannon, Ruth; Curry, Paul D.; Denetsosie, Troy; Di=
carlo, Louis; Dypiangco, Mark; Falik, Brian; Fox, Craig A.; Garza, Maria; G=
ermany, Chris; Gerry, Robert; Gregory, Paul; Grube, Raimund; Hill, Garrick;=
Hoff, Jonathan; Holcombe, Tina; Irani, Eric; Jacoby, Ben; Josey, Scott; Jo=
yce, Joseph; Keel, Allan; Keenan, Jeffrey; Kelly, Katherine L.; Landry, Kim=
berly; Leigh, Lorie; Luong, Steven; Melendrez, Jesus; Misra, Narsimha; Mitr=
o, Fred; Munoz, Victor; Newlin, Michael; Otis, Brian; Phillips, George; Pla=
uche, Stephen; Presas, Jessica; Quezada, Daniel; Quick, Joan; Racicot, Paul=
; Rawal, Punit; Rimbau, Robert W.; Rollins, Don; Rose, Steven; Scott, Susan=
M.; Serio, Erik; Shoemake, Lisa; Smith, Gregory P.; Snow, Dina; Solis, Mel=
issa; Tapscott, Ron; Tian, Yuan; Versen, Victoria; Virgo, Robert; Ward, Cha=
rles; Wax, Brandon; Zisman, Stuart; Williams, Jaime; Anderson, Robert; Blac=
kburn, Jody; Brodbeck, Kelly; Cavanaugh, Darren; Deane, Ryan; Driscoll, Mic=
hael M.; Emmert, Caroline; Eriksson, Fredrik; Fillinger, Mark; Hrach, April=
; Mays, Wayne; Parquet, David; Russell, Dean; Sarnowski, Julie; Savage, Gor=
don; Sheppard, Kathryn; Thompson, Virginia; Wehn, Samuel; Zavala, Cristina;=
Barrios, Dixie; Berryman, Kyle; Bonafe, Rory ; Caranti, Guido; de Harris, =
Yolanda; Donegan, Darrin; Giuliani, William; Lachner, George R.; McCarroll,=
Zachary; McPherson, Kathleen; Morris, Jennifer; Mostura, Sylvie; Nguyen, M=
ichael; Sacchi, Martin; Funkhouser, Shanna; Russi, Estalee; Douglas, Tony; =
Allen, Robert; Collett, Crissy; Hlopak, Ed; Hough, Greg; Koonce, Ken; Nahas=
, Al; Smida, Ed; Thapar, Raj; Danielson, Michael; Gibbs, Rob; Hartmann, Joh=
n ; McCartney, James; Delung, Frank; Cychowski, Stan; Woertler, Pete; Mand=
is, Jim; Schumacher, Bob; Rogers, Ted ; Holub, Rollie ; Mathieu, Tom ; Duch=
nicki, Stanley T; Chick, Kim; Peck, Omar; Becker, Rick; Nassab, Peter; Gale=
, Jeff; Schwarz, Angela; Merril, Deborah D.; Heidecker, Bill; Dick, Sharon;=
Blachman, Jeremy; Lewis, James W.; Bhatty, Jay; Morrow, Joey; Sharp, Vicki=
; Deleonardis, Cathy; Ralston, Andrew; Silva, Mary; Maynard, Michelle; Niel=
and, Jeff; Smith, Ben; Sova, Gary L.; Blanks, Tom; Gahn, Scott ; Greiner, K=
evin; Penman, Gregg; Bartlett, Jeff; Coffey Jr., Jim; Collins, Angie; Golde=
n, Kevin; Hernandez, Alex; Irvin, Steve; Krautz, Michael; Laurent, Dean; Le=
nartowicz, Chris; McMichael Jr., Ed; Miller, Don (Asset Mktg); Parks, Joe; =
Piotrowski, Joseph; Polsky, Phil; Sewell, Doug; Elafandi, Mo; Gilbert, Jim;=
Gray, Stan; Hammond, Don; Motley, Matt; Slaughter, Jeff G.; Affelt, Scott;=
Arnold, Matthew; Bennett, Andrea; Curran, Greg; Dingeldein, Wietze; Dyar, =
Teresa; Erickson, Cheryl; Fernie, James; Forness, Bob; Glessner, David; Hic=
ks, W. Wade; Jones, Doug; Mahoney, Chris; Middleton, Vince; Nash, Tim ; Ram=
achandran, Sandeep; Rathmell, Peggy; Schlueter, Mark; Sekse, Per; Stie, Ang=
ela; Story, S. Craig; Tawney, Mark; Weekley, Alice; Wickman, Charles
Subject:=09Tomorrow: Floor Meeting with Dan Leff - ECS 4th Floor

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